Any growers from wales

Hi all i have just finished my first grow in my new setup (superhaze), i am having a MAJOR ISSUE with seeds, i have spent nearly £60 on seeds to only have one germinate and grow, i dont know what is going on, tried different methods even got a heated propergator, my last attempt was at barneys farm lsd and 0 out of 5 took, 4 0f the 5 cracked and produced the white root but they never survived the next stage, i have never had any trouble in the past, i have ordered the seeds from the same supplier maybe i should of tried a different one, i am a stealth grower, the only people who know is me and my wife. I don't know anyone else who is growing it so i was wondering if there was anybody from the south wales area that could get cuttins and sort me out, obviously i will pay for them and it would be great to get some advice. Please send me a private message if you are in south wales area. If this is against any R I U rules please forgive me let me know and i will delete this thread. Thanks all hope to hear from someone soon. peace out


Well-Known Member
Bore da.I'm in Wales (unWelsh though!) You have to be doing/not doing something wrong there. If it's any help, I got all my seeds from except for 2 that i got from Barney's.
Ph adjust rock wool cube, seed straight in....only one has never made it, but that was my newbie nosiness....
(I would like to help with the other, but it's against the law in many ways.................................................................:cry:
I have been doing the paper towel in a sealed sandwich bag, used bottled water with a ph of 6.2 put in a dark place in my heated propergator, they 9/10 sprout but when i put them into soil in plastic cups or in peat pellets they just die, to be honest it has fucked me right off, i have m.s and it helps me alot i would never sell any of my fruits and wanted to grow maybe 2-3 times a year just to keep my supply up, our country is fucked up at the moment so to legalize cannabis, regulate it and tax it would help us out no end come on the coalition sort it fucking out. Sworth could you please tell me how you germinate your seeds in detail as im getting earache off the wife about the money we have wasted on seeds.


Well-Known Member
I pre-soak a 1 inch rock wool cube 24 hours in )Ph 5.8 water, drop the seed in water overnight, then seed in cube twice the depth of it's size....and wait.
I had a electric propagator, but ebayed it as it's got to be pretty cold to merit it, and unless you spend money they have no thermostat...and I don't think they necessarily make success more likely, they just speed it up.
No chance of any bag seeds to practice on?
where do you keep the rockwool once it has a seed in it, do u keep it in the dark or under some lights? in a propagator ? what about temp's? I cant get any bag seed as i dont want anyone to know im doing it, sorry about the wank questions .....


Well-Known Member
I just leave the seeded cube on a shelf in the kitchen. Not by the window,or lighting,draughts,heating etc. and let her do her thing. Once she's sprouted I put her into clay pebbles or final soil pot about 12 inches underneath a 250 CFL. A couple of true leaves and I start giving her a light lunch if she's hydroponically inclined....
Oh yeh...isn't the only wank question the one that isn't asked?


Well-Known Member
theres a U.K thread in here mate, ahm not sure if theres any welsh lads but theres loads of English and quite a few Scots, theres certainly guys from the southern end Of England that may be able to help you. jump in and ask around, i do know sum of the guys will send you seeds and it has been known for a cutting or two to get posted( chop a 2 litre Coke bottle in half and put some soil in, then plant an established clone in rock wool in and get next day delivery, wee bit pricey but its cheaper than payin for seeds that dont work) you'll also get a lot of help from experienced grower whether it be in soil, hydro or coco. heres the link


Well-Known Member
hey taffythegrower u dont have to ph ur water to germ seeds in paper twole just norm tap water will do it. if ph needed id doit to nutrul ph7 then i allways get a 100% seed germ. once u get tap root move onto ur gordan cubes but still give them ph7 onist it works they need a couple of weeks to harden off abit good luck brv.