Any Ideas On If The 1st Frost In Southern Michigan


:joint:Ive heard the 1st frost wont harm a plant. Is this true? Someone told me that a light frost will actually make the plant go into a protection mode and produce more THC to protect itself. I live near Flint and it has been very nice here the past couple of days but im not sure if my plants will finish. Im estimateing some r in week 4 or 5. The strain is juicy fruit. Also I have a couple of white widdows. Im hoping 2 post pics. Does anybody have any ideas on if my girls will make it? Also the stalks r turning purple. Is this do 2 cold weather or just the juicy fruit characteristic? This is my 1st time growing Juicy. My friend is growing J.F. indoors and he has some purple on the stems of the fan leaves but not the stalks. Any input is very much appreciated. :joint: Peace


Active Member
it wont hurt it .
anything above -3 will not kill it .
anything below that , and you may have to harvest early ..
or it willl die on ya at night and mold before the morning.