Auto Flower Seedlings droopy/unhealthy-HEALP PLEASE ASAP!


Well-Known Member
Image009.jpgtake those cups off of em.,.,to high humidity and theyre geting ro0t problems.,.,.,i never really need super high humidity after i let them get above ground.,.,once they r like yours i take the humidity dome off and wa-la u have little ishen plants waiting to gro.,.,take the cups off and let them dry slightly.,.,they should bounce back,jus keep the rockwo0l slightly moist.,.,.,.hope i helped.,.,.,also i just started some seeds.,.indo0r under cfls jus like u and i stucjk em outdo0r where its hot as hell(socala).,., let i snap a pic
there just fine dry as ever.,.,there out there unyil i finish my rubber maid mom chamber.,.,.,there all high grade bag seed.,.,lovely and forward.,.,
the humidity is to much for em and its choking em with that method


New Member
Yeah I pulled the cups off the tops and left the tote lid on, i am going to just lift it every day for a bit and exhange the air for them...blow some c02 in there...idk my sees never are ready after just a few days...never, never since last year when I started..they always needed a week min. of high humidity..the ones that look best are prob about 2-4 days from being able to stand the dry air on their own...i tried taking one out yesterday and she wilted in less than an hour....your plants look nice and burly...i grow in hydro though and nobody seems to have a step by step survival guide to starting seeds in rockwool and caring for them until they can be left alone ... which is what i need....gotta just keep plugging away on my own I guess.


New Member
Well here's the skinny. DO NOT start seeds w Hempy cups..the fuckers just stress and take forever and its just a mess trying to keep water levels correct in the air and substrate. It's just not worth it.

I switched back over to my 10 gal roughneck bubbler w 12" airstone. 3" net cups w 1 shit but hey, i got 5 healthy plants now w roots a dangling. Im going to make a small cloner bubbler w a 16 qt sterlite and 2 inch holes for dixies w bottoms cut out enough for rockwool to hold but not slip thru. I have one for 15 sites already drwan up, will report back if it's good for seeds as well...super cheap design.


New Member
Wow, it was a long road but I totally revamped my seed starting methods to much much success! I feel I had to post these to redeem my earlier attempts. These are 2 auto Hindu Kush I have pol. w a single male and are doing awesome in a sterlite 16 qt home made bubbler under 23/27 watt CFLs mixed spec. The seeds r fat and dark and the bud is coated with resin and smells of sweet sweet kush. I sampled stem calyxes (favorite cheat) and the vaporized result put me in this chair for a while! Total body hit and its not even ready yet, another week. Hope this gets me some rep!:eyesmoke:

