Bag seed question for the pro's


Well-Known Member
So recently I finished a half of some ak47 and got a seed from one of the smaller buds. I germed it for fun and it piped quick with a nice thick root. Tossed it in a rockwool cube and its already pushing through the top. My I would love to grow it through because this is one of the few strains that has gotten me stoned more than a week. My question is would it be a bad idea to grow it out because it is a bag seed. I assume it was a small hermie stress issue where only one seed in a half. Are hermie seeds more likely to be hermies themselves? Or is the negativity about bag seed because of uncertainty if its true strain? Would love some good info. Also if I were to toss this in with my others and it does hermie(assuming it was a female) can a hermie pollenate my fems?


Active Member
it has a higher chance of going hermie but doesnt mean it will. Yes if it hermies it will produce pollen and effect your other females


Well-Known Member
I know u asked for the pros, & I'm surely not 1 but I have a take on this....I have gron bagseed before & I found that if u have, like u said, a half & u only find one seed, more likely than not its a fem seed....a hermie plant would have yielded many seeds in my experiences. B4 I started buying seeds I grew bagseed whenever I got 1/4's or 1/2's & found 1 or 2 seeds in it & they would be female.....I even have grown fem seeds & found a seed in my own shyt & yup, u guessed it, female all the way....I contribute that to wut I read here about how a plant will grow nanners of pollen late in flower, not a lot of them so u mite miss it & end up with a solo seed. Again, not a pro just sharing my thoughts & experiences....Peace


Well-Known Member
Hell ya good info on both ends. I think I'll keep it going but outside under its own light until i can pop a clone of and throw into flower