Baking Soda to Raise PH

This method works great. I use poland springs distilled water, which has a default ph of 5.0-5.5. I was watering my plant with this for the last 2 weeks :sad: . Last night I read that you can use baking soda to adjust ph but it is hard to do because it raises the ph to much. First a post i read on here said to try 1 teaspoon per gallon, that was a load of doodoo, raised the ph to over 8.5. So then I tried half a teaspoon, same results. Then I tried just a tiny little bit on the tip of my spoon, and 6.5-7.0 was achieved. So in conclusion, to all you people out there that want to change your ph but dont feel like spending 10 bucks on ph down, spend 2$ and get a life time supply of ph up baking soda :clap: :clap: