Best strain for Michigan outdoors


New Member
I would like to know of a potent high yeild strain that would work well in michigan outdoors :] thanks


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you should have specified whether UP or part of thumb, there are a couple guys on here from Michigan (last year) Balihai and some others, all got buds no prob, even some Minn boys, Bali grew Purple Power, I believe he was in mid/lower Mich, he harvested on Oct 5/6 or something like that, plant in beg/mid May and reap late Sept early Oct, check the weather and you may be able to pull off late April if there's a nice spring, last year was so crappy, I've got my fingers crossed for this season!!! Just like wine!


New Member
Im around the thumb area and yeah im going to just get em 7in tall or so inside then let outside around mid april depending on the temps