Bict 16/17. Straya m8 2.0


Well-Known Member
yeah f

or sure..and I think it was overwatering so im gonna up pot to bigger and go easy on the water....might have been bit impatient with this batch plenty of time I put more in paper towel yesterday
I had the same problem about 4 weeks ago . I just gave them a double hit of nitrogen and it brought them back healthy . may also have some dead roots causing dampening. Hopefully they will bounce back also had the same problem with a certain strain all turned out like that now there about 14 inches high strain is called serious 6.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member

Whens every one else planning on putting theres out.
Ill be out of space if I put them out end of OCT like last year.
mid October latest for me I started some mid sept last year and year before oct 10..both times work ok for me where I am...
as a general rule for me I like to start between sept15 and oct 15 ...still get gd yields even if a seed only gets germinated 1st week of oct no worries

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I like watching those boys in the bar. They are entertaining, and that cat in the green suit is funny as fuck
I like how the "street people" (business men) need the stoners and the stoners need the street people...And how 1/2 the things didnt happen and those that were were late and held in a diff spot. and it was a huge success! lmao

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I had to do some surgery on one of my seedlings after work. They are under a metal cage but a small bird or something must of got in and landed on the poor thing and bent her (hopefully) back.
Some good old lecky tape and a small stick and hope she (hopefully) survives.

My fridge grow is powering on if no one has checked it out lately (ill update some more picks this weekend if i remember). Looks like it will be a long flowering cycle.

I recon us tassie boys will be able to plant outside next week..what you think Bict?