Black sap


Hi all

I topped one of my 4 week old bag seed plants. This is my first real grow so I am a newb. Anyway, I noticed on the plant and the cutting that there was what appeared to be black sap that appeared instantly after I pruned it.

I googled black sap and marijuana and didn't find anything regarding black or dark sap (clear and red only). Is this common?

Thanks in advance


It's funny you say that. I was thinking the same thing. It's from some old bag seed that I thought I would try. It is one robust little pot plant. It is already almost 10 inches tall and is only been about 4 weeks since I germinated it. All organic nutes and hydro. The other 4 I planted are very healthy too, but I FIM-ed 2 of them and the others aren't quite ready for pruning/topping.