bringing flowering plant indoors


Active Member
im thining about finishing off my rainbow skunk indoors under my 400 watt hps, there are no visible insect issues and i think the hps would buff the buds up nicely. heres the things, i have one perfect purp under the hps ( perfect female, other 3 were males) and i feel like im wasting my growspace by only flowering the one plant, but if i bring in the rainbow skunk im risking the insect factor if there are any. I've had HUGE insect issues outdoors aside from the rainbow and i dont know what i would do if i got more bugs now...any advice??


Active Member
im thining about finishing off my rainbow skunk indoors under my 400 watt hps, there are no visible insect issues and i think the hps would buff the buds up nicely. Heres the things, i have one perfect purp under the hps ( perfect female, other 3 were males) and i feel like im wasting my growspace by only flowering the one plant, but if i bring in the rainbow skunk im risking the insect factor if there are any. I've had huge insect issues outdoors aside from the rainbow and i dont know what i would do if i got more bugs now...any advice??
what about taking the one outside?