Brown spots, dying leaves, Curling, Holes, Help! (pics)

Hey guys im havin a bit of trouble here and I need some help. First Grow:weed:

90Watt LED 13inch away from top of plant
My temps range from 70F-81F
Humidity averages 45%
According to my Cheap Ph meter Im at 7.0 (Last week was 6.5)
Seed was planting into a party cup containing miracle grow moisture control (noob mistake)
Then transplanted into a larger pot with foxfarm ocean forrest
Then transplanted into final 5gal container again with FFOF
Applied recommended dosage of Grow Big every other watering until she was recently set to 12/12
Then have used Big Bloom at recommended dosage during one watering, then watered with regular filtered water. Next watering plan on adding same nutes again.
Sprayed nee moil for the FIRST TIME on her 4 days ago.
Strain: Chiesel from Attitude.

I keep getting these brown spots all over fan leaves both on the bottom and now even a little at the top of the plant. Some of the leaves are curling inward and even breaking and have holes in them. (see pics). I have at least 2-4 leaves curl up and die every week and a half. This has been happing for the past month or so, consistently getting worse.


What leaves look like when found dead:

Affected areas:


Any help is greatly appreciated!


Active Member
You got some leave curling goin on. Indicates possible water pressure problems in the leaves. Could be over or underwatering. Can you check you rootmass?


Active Member
OH SHIT I just read neem oil 4 days ago. Did you kill the lights after??

Some people swear by neem oil. i hate it. It has fucked every last plant I have sprayed. Ever.

The oil clogs the holes in the leaves creating pressure problems.
Ya I sprayed her an hour or so before she went dark. But As I understand it its beneficial for the plant in every way. My local hydro store swears by it and I find nothing but nice things to read about it. Also, it did help by completely ridding me of those pesky fliers that would come around every now and then. Ill avoid spraying it again but It just seems like the browning is getting worse, Its been a problem for quite some time now and idk why :(. Im 72 days in and im so confused.


Well-Known Member
Its the neem oil for sure. I had the same side effects after azamax which is pretty much just neem oil. Try cutting the dosage in half and spray during lights off. You'll be fine the damage leafs will keep turning brown and eventually fall off i pull them off when there over 50% dead. Also make sure you use it with 1 week in between other wise the pests build up a resistance to the neem oil.
Ok. Allow me to clarify;

I have only applied the neem oil once since the grow started. This has been a problem for the past month. Simply seems to be spreading or growing or what have you.


Active Member
Okay so have the brown spots been around for a while or the brown spots and the curling leaves?

I'm not sur about the brown spots but if your leaves have been curling before the neem oil then you may have a salt build up in the soil which can reverse the flow of water in the plant creating negative pressure and leaf curling. It will burn the leaves a little too maybe creating the brown spots.

Check for root rot. Are your roots getting plenty air? You have enough perlite all that basic stuff?
give them a flush if you can.
So these spots and falling leaves are signs of overfeeding? Ok Ill try a flush next watering and see if just feeding it plain filtered water does anything. Im also thinking maybe the party cup's worth of Miracle grow could be affecting it with its time released nutes? Maybe that's causing the overfeeding? Because Otherwise, Shes growing fine, or so I believe.

Thanks to everyone who is replying. ^^
Okay so have the brown spots been around for a while or the brown spots and the curling leaves?

I'm not sur about the brown spots but if your leaves have been curling before the neem oil then you may have a salt build up in the soil which can reverse the flow of water in the plant creating negative pressure and leaf curling. It will burn the leaves a little too maybe creating the brown spots.

Check for root rot. Are your roots getting plenty air? You have enough perlite all that basic stuff?

The salt thing makes more sense to me as Im getting progressively more alkaline for seemingly no reason. How can I fix this? Also how may I check for and identify root rot? The bottom of my stem seems healthy enough and my 5gal has 3 huge drainage holes. I havent used anything but the FFOF soil as far as the growing medium is concerned.


Active Member
So you only use OF soil with no added nutes.? hmmm. Then I really don't see how it could be salt buildup. If you didn't add any perlite to th OF then maybe it's holding too much water for too long, drowing the roots. IDK. It all depends on the size of the plant in the 5 gal container, but 5 gal usually don't have to be watered very often.

I water full flower 1 gal's about every 2-3 days maybe once a day as they reach maturity. I never have dealt with 5 gals but its seems you should only need to water maybe once a week or less.

Root rot can be spotted by observing your root system and looking for unhealthy, brown and black rotting roots. It's not always easy to spot though and it may not even be the problem.


Well-Known Member
OK it's not the neem and anyone who has had a bad experience with it just can't read directions and applied it wrong. If you want to know more about neem look for an old post of mine on it.

I would flush my plant real good and than go to 1/2 recommended nutrient and than increase gradually. Dried up leaves that are crunchy is from to much food.
Your right man. I now know in my first case that it was indeed too much nutrients. I believe it was my miracle grow soil from the staRter party cup fucking it up with its time released nutes. I know this now because with my new set of girls i watched change as i fed one no nutes and the other i fed low strength. My seedling room is set up so i may watch tv or plaY gAmes and they are right next to me. I watched As the one i just fed water grew fine as the other gradually over the course of 3 hours develop the same problems aS my originAl post. So.... Its gotta be the feeding