Cal mag deffiency on one plant in hydro????


Well-Known Member
I have one plant out of 4 who is close to deaths door for some reason it has a ca or mag deficiency! god knows why because my others are looking lush!

there al the same breed does anyone know why this is happening and what i can do?

Side not my leaves are looking a little pale and always have is there something i can do to fix this? its not so bad because there still growing nice and look pretty healthy but if i can solve it then itl help.


Well-Known Member
Pic would help.

But all the same strain? Clone or seed?

If seed, phenotype variation can have different requirements for Ca and Mg to other pheno's.

If your leaves are pale green and going yellow from the bottom up then adding some veg nutes will slow it down.

Don't listen to the hype about veg nutes not being good for flowering.

I have used a 6-3-8 base nute start to finish but have just changed back to my old 5-4-3 due to high levels of K causing an issue with uptake of Ca and Mg in coco coir.



Well-Known Member
there from seed and iv been using flowering (5-3-10) nutes since week 3 cos there auto's but kind of wish i used veg (6-2-8) now haha

there not going yellow there just staying pale



Well-Known Member
Looks like a magnesium deficiency to me.

Check how much Mg is in your nutes by checking the bottles. 2% is good, anything less or if your using to you'll need a calmag supplement.

