cal/mag problem... i think...HELP lol


Well-Known Member
You only use grow? Not micro and bloom as well?? If so then you are lacking nutrients like crazy, and only feeding your plant primarily potash.


Well-Known Member
I don't do soil but looks like you need more nutes Other than just grow.
Lol this isn't soil.

And the guy at the hydro store must not know what you're growing. And obviously doesn't know shit about hydroponics or growing.

Do some reading in the hydro section of the forum.


Well-Known Member
Hydro is in water. So you are buying water nutrients and getting grow advice from a water grow shop. But either way you can't grow anything with just potash. You need a lot of different nutrients. Especially nitrogen for veg! I would go pick up some cal/mag, GH micro and GH bloom.