Can someone tell me whats wrong?


Well-Known Member

My setup is a 68watt cfl for the seedling stage.

This is the middle bottom one.

Heres a closer pic of the mid bot.

Not sure what it is, but it looks like black spots on the leaves. Could it be that the light is too close?

Here is a pic of a diff one with same markings

I got what looks like spider mites on this one :|

I probably blew the pictures up a bit too much. Im not feeding them nutes, just plain 6.2 filtered water. The last one I had died with markings like that, could it be spider mites?

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
since ur not feeding them yet, it could very well be spider mites, which i recommend neem oil...tru and find some, or any evidence of other bugs

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
just to be safe, what kind of lights are u using and how far are they from ur plants???

oh...just cfls...shouldnt matter then


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about painting a layer of anti termite stuff on my grow room. That way I don't have to worry about these little shits when it comes time to flower.


Active Member
I sometimes get spots like that from careless watering. Drops of water on the leaves act like a lens, focus the light and burn spots on the leaves. These days I'm I water carefully and anytime I see water on the leaves I mop it up with a paper towel and turn off the lights till it dries.

That's just my experience. I've never had an infestation AFAIK.