Cannabis Culture has sold us out?


Well-Known Member
I quit going there when they updated their site .
They seemed to only have a couple of regular contributors in their medical section.


Well-Known Member
Just let paper mags die already hahaha its like all mags.... it washes rinses and repeats the same old garbage every month. ... unless that certain industry actually made an advancement.
I'm sure ever story on LPS is just cake and birthday candles when they go interview the company.... oh hahaha one company interviewing another company... now that's funny if you think about it


Well-Known Member
Weren't these LPs suppose to be allowed to advertise after a year.... or do I remember something wrong.
Ohhhh noooo if they did do wrong it would be a slap on the wrist.... or maybe a good scolding. .... bad LP


Well-Known Member
They sold out long ago. I emailed them the week the 2 shipments where stopped at the airport that were meant for Tweed and Tilray i believe. i asked if they were going to write an article about it and never heard a fucking thing back. Figures, pretty sure they attended, and supported the whole Green Rush conference in T.O awhile back before Marc's release

nobody important 666

Well-Known Member

Front page of high times? Ha-ha funny..not funny

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Know marc since the 80s he was a putz then and see nothing has changed. If i remember right in the early 90s he tried to fight a possession charge and ended up making the judge rule that if you admitted to smoking u could be charged with possession because it's in your body.


Well-Known Member
The article seems like it's just a repost of something from the Globe and Mail, not even sure why Cannimed is mentioned since the blurb is about the Saskatoon bust.
That said, Marc's come out previously in support of LP's, honestly don't remember what his opinion is on home grows. I like David Malmo-Levine's pieces but otherwise there doesn't seem to be a lot of unique content there.


Well-Known Member
I do not think they "Sold out" Marc has stated a ton of times since release that he is happy with the system, he said that Canada is producing more then ever, that makes him happy.


Well-Known Member
my interpretion of marc's position is that he is happy the mmar is being abused and that bud was dirt cheap during both the mmar and mmpr for the black market because patients were not following the rules (everybody has a reason to be who they are)