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*our TahoeOG which came from another outdoor garden, is on schedule for a croptober chop-- her sepals are sexy~
--she came with butt load of mites and she had other DEFs too, now she just recovering & finishing smoothly, getting more ladybugs to ensure all "pests edibles" are cleaned off Lol ..she & the other plants that came from the other garden also shows signs of revegg, but all in all-- they are all doing better & soon to be packed into bowls
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*the yellow/necro plant with no fan leafs is NYCDiesel-- which is finally doing its final calyx bit~ glad she made it

*the other strains i'm still in the dark since there was little to no naming convention when I got to this growOP, but the third one looks like BD~
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*blue dreams doing their thing~ late (aug/september) around here is cloudy, lets just hope the sun still gets to do its thang
**what we feed with: ACT batch once a week, every other day tap water drenches, and sugars (either sucanat or rice syrup mix with h20) --thats it~ Other things added in wk cycles are: fish hydrosylate drenches, batguano/fishmeal/kelpmeal/alfalfameal top dressing, seaweed/kelp/soybean drench, and mycos (ProVide/ReVive/rootWeb)
--the only thing synth-ish would be the florablend vegan plant booster (GH) --which is pretty much just a soil conditioner, and it doesn't harm the benies establishing in the rhizo.