Case Fan Exhaust Setup???

I am in the process of a small stealth grow. I need to install two case fans (one intake, one exhaust) in the next few weeks. I've done my research and it seems like a fan between 18-23dB is very quiet.

What fans do you use or have you heard of that are cheap, quiet, and move a good amount of air?

Also, is it possible to run both case fans on one 12V DC charger?

Thanks for the help RIU :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
1. you don't really need an intake. make a passive one and use that intake fan to move air around your box creating some "wind".
2. I don't know much about dBs, I just fire it up and see if its noisy.
3. I use fan I scavage from old PCs. It should be hard to find them.
4. It is possible to run a few fans on the same 12V DC transformer. However, you should check that the sum of the mA that the fans requier is lower than the maximum mA the transformer is rated for.