Cfl Growers, Go big or stay at home!


Well-Known Member
I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours!!!

Roll it up cfl growers, my new project is almost complete. Sterilite Grow cab with flowering & vegitative room. Flowering room has 12 2600k 26watt cfl's. 2 computer fans.1 for intake and 1 for exhaust + 2 8" clip on fans for circulation. Veg room has 3 23watt 6700k & 3 u-bent 40watt flouros. 2 computer fans. 1 intake & 1 exhaust. Bagseed in flower right now just at 8 weeks, 1st grow. 2nd grow in veg room. 3 Blueberrys , just popped the soil. All electrical ran properly with housing. So cfl growers, come strong, or go home!

pic 1: Electrical
pic 2: Flowering Room
pic 3: Vegitative room
pic 4: Whole Cabinet
pics 5,6,7: Bud Porn
pic 8: My Nuggy X-Mas Tree


Well-Known Member
You misting them with the lights that close? Kind of looks like droplet burns. Looks sweet though.


Well-Known Member
Indeed, as far as efficiency, this set-up provides well enough but I'm hoping to get another half-cab for a cloning room thus providing a never-ending harvest. Havent been misting with lights on, I believe thats from MG Organic Soil, (never again) or from tap water. Looking at R/O system. Did anyone notice the curling of the leaves on the x-mas tree? I cant pin a reason. I though mag def, but I've been feeding micro-nutes. Any ideas? Maybe PH fluctuation?


Well-Known Member
The curling is probably due to too much nutes in the MG soil. If its real bad you might want to flush the heck out of it, but it might be fine. If your tips start burning then you'll know.
I did a BIG cfl grow.....
They're now in day 27 of flowering after about a 6 week veg. From humble beginings they came...Started with ten now theres 6 ladys left :mrgreen:
I thought it would be cool to see all the pics on the same page, I hope you like.

Here is my 1st grow :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm talking about. As far as cfl growing goes, I'm impressed with the results. However, I'd like to go a little bigger, or at least perpetuate a harvest. I think 400 hps w/cool tube would be a nice investment.


Well-Known Member
Looks good mate.. not bad at all.. whats the total watts?? come check my small cfl grow out with T5 flouro's :)