Cfl Speaker box help... lol


Alright so I really hope this is in the right section I have looked around trying to figure out were to place it as its not only just the design/setup that I need some help with..


For all of you to know this is my first grow and I wanna do it right and make it look nice..

So i have decided to use a speaker box instead of a pc tower.. Hopfully for more of a yield! But anyways I have an old speaker box that I am going to use and Have a few questions.. I know for a pc tower I was going to use 4 CFL lights.. Now would it hurt to use maybe 8 or 16 have 4 on each wall? I was also wonder would 4 computer fans be enough as two would be exhaust and 2 would be for intake? For the rest I'm pretty sure I know what i need..

For the next step.. what cfl lights should i use and for how long till i switch? Like should i always use 6500k? or? Sorry for being a newb to this lol I just wanna do it right.. I know that once i get it all built and set up I will have a few more. But for now we will start with this.. Thanks for the input :)



Well-Known Member
first off good luck with your grow,

secondly we need more information like how big the box is, how many plants, is it a sativa or an indica cause of the flowering stretch, and alot more information but to start how big is the box? thisll give me a good idea whats up


Thank you and sorry like i said Im new and not sure how to start all this off.
The box will be roughly the size of 18"w x 28"h x 16"d. I was thinking 1 to 2 plants.. No more. and for the plant it will be an indica I would think. But I'm not quite sure what AF to start off with as i have read almost about all of them and just havent decided.. LOL


Maybe the Auto Bomb strain would be good to start off with after i read some more reviews on it.. Its suppose to be really short so would be a good one for the size of the grow..

Also my bad didnt see they had a stealth/pc/cabnit grow area!! or sub forumed lol :(