CFL v.s T12 for Cloning and Start Veg! Which is Better Why?


Well-Known Member
Just like the title says,

Basically I am going to build a little clone, early veg/seedling starter blackout box with black poly, and 2x2's but I am wondering which would be better lighting wise as a 400+ metal halide is to big and to hot for using in the box.

Basically its between CFL 27watt 5000k CFL or 27 watt CLF 5500k, or 2 40 watter Philips, T12 6500k daylight deluxe 4 footers.

I know some of you wanna tell me do the search function, I have tried both via hear, the grow shop and google.....

To be honest I would like a straight up answer, maybe from those whom have experiance.....

I mean I know people clone and such with 24in. 6500k T5's so yeah any help is apperciated.

Thank ya'll much



Well-Known Member
I have a T8 in my veg box(as well as plenty of CFL's), seedlings seem to like it, but I think the light from CFL's is stronger cause it's more concentrated, and easier to maneuver the bulbs close to the plants for optimum light exposure.


I think both are very valid options for seedlings. I have used both and they have both done the job well. The biggest thing in my opinion when deciding is how many seedlings you have.. A tube light can cover more seedling more efficiently in my opinion but a cfl can do a bit better job and also support the plant for longer. A tube light needs to be replaced pronto for a more powerful light, as you probably already know...


Well-Known Member
Well my main room is a 400mh veg light, 2x 600 HPS aircooled, but right now the main room is down as i am going to redesign and it needs a nice going over and cleaning as we have relocated.

I am looking most likely to build a 4x2x2 or 4x3x3 seedling/cloner box. If this T12 thing works out the light spectrum is right as well as the fact they are like $9 for the shop light and $6 for 2 bulbs which is cheaper then CLF stuff from what I have seen at Home Depot and Lowes,

The Lumens on the Long tubes/4ft T12's are 2325 each, the CFL's are like 1750 each...... I mean I guess should i need more light for cloning and early veg, I could add CFL's.

Also with the T12 shop light on for like 10 hours its still not very warm to the touch even which is nice.......

Just wondering as the whole point of this cloner is to place in my closet as a stealth room small room, asa 400 is to bright and leaks light and gets super warm......

Just trying to save power, and root clones in stealth in a seperate venue....

Thanks for the replys thus far..... any and all legit and honest non-hating feedback is apperciated.



Well-Known Member
here are some pics of the closet box, its covered with 4mil pvc from home depot, infact the whole thing was a home depot build the most expensive part was a new drill as screws are better then nails, plus i suck with a hammer.....

The whole unit cost me like $9 for the shop lamp, $6 for the bulbs, $9 for PVC roll, $6 in lumber which they cut to size for me, $3 a box of wood screws, and $2.59 for velco so a total of line $35.59 + Tax for a 24Dx48Lx30H veg/clone box ( outside demintions are 28x50x34) ..... imo a little to weak with the lighting ( only 1 fixture of 2 48in t8 2350 lumen bulbs ) currently inside for vegging long term, although with 1 or 2 more of those shop lamps it would make a nice vegging unit.....

BTW without a fan it only hits like 82 degrees, with the fan its like 78 and that is on the worst day 85+ days we have had as of late here.

Pls. Ignore the pathetic sink and dying cuttings, my roomies dog ate my mother, or well her pot and mangled her so i tried to take cuttings and save what i could or the genetics....... my roommate came home and decided the fan needed to be turned on and they did not like it much/ at all and died :-(


P.S. if you have a roommate or noob wanting to grow, get them their own space/tent and let them have at it..... save alot of headaches and possible drama.

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Tnx bro for this thread i did a search b4 i went and asked the same ?... i have like 4 t12 ballasts that came out of my shop that i want to throw over a 80 site ez cloner and my early veg tray... u say its doing good for u? What bulbs u use from the depot? Cool blue? The grow store wants like 25$ for their grow spectrum t12 i say f that rip off the blue is all i need for roots and 2 weeks max veg?


Active Member
The light you need for vegging are lights in the 6500K realm. Adding some CFL's could help but you want all "blue" or "cool" lights.
I'm going to be using (4) T12 4ft 6500k lights for my cloning/early veg set up. Plan on having 8 clones under each set of bulbs (2)


Well-Known Member
Being as I first posted in this thread three years ago, it's weird to see it pop up under the "New Posts"...

T5s or CFL's for veg if your gonna use fluorescent. T12s have a diluted light...Ok for rooting clones(but not vegging them), or just popping seeds IMO.

But it WILL "work"...In the sense that yes, things will grow under those lights. But you want your plants to be as happy and healthy throughout their ENTIRE lifespan, not just during flower.