Clones from flower! Care to explain my great success?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well duh dub. As for my whole reason to post no one says anything in the stuff i read that points to success with it so my whole point was to make sure it was understood that it works. Guess everybody knows that so why then is it so stated even in the faq that is is a poor bet!!!!?? As for the large phallus contest that was taintshredders work and the idiot with no hair. They wanted to abe pricks and they just got penises so they are always competing. I want people to tell the noobs that if you are not a moron, taint, then you can do it in good time so for all you haters f off and find a life...:o
and your still not un-der-stand-ing what we are sating. We no it already works you have shed no new news about anything. Sorry try again


Well-Known Member
Well duh dub. As for my whole reason to post no one says anything in the stuff I read that points to success with it so my whole point was to make sure it was understood that it WORKS. Guess everybody knows that so why then is it so stated even in the FAQ that is is a poor bet!!!!?? As for the large phallus contest that was taintshredders work and the idiot with no hair. They wanted to abe pricks and they just got penises so they are always competing. I want people to tell the noobs that if you are not a moron, taint, then you can do it in good time so for all you haters f off and find a life...:o
FAQ!!!!! PENISES!!!!"

I took the time to condense this thread into specific keywords. I think this is what tonyromo aka Weedman42000 is trying to get at.


Well-Known Member
Each strain will be different in terms of re-veg. But 11 days is a rediculous amount of time to wait for roots and growth period. If there's no roots by day 6 it goes in the trash in my house. With that said. Cloning from flower is a bad idea for a few reasons and a good one for one. Higher phosphorus levels will theoretically mean faster and thicker roots however when you cut from a flowering plant you remove a portion causing stress to the late flowering lady which can cause a slow or stop in growth impacting yield and/or your plant is more prone to go hermie on account of the stress. Again its all strain dependant. All that aside the amount of stress your clone will have to endure to make it back to where it needs to be may cause it to hermie on you. So in short if you fucked up and needed a clone, cool do it but watch her closely. But don't make a habit of it cause I see no need for risking hermies and impacting yield unless its to ensure the survival of a prized strain.