Cloning in late veg

go go kid

Well-Known Member
if you have rooted clones then there in growth mode, allready.
you can put thevm into flower after they root or let them get larger and then flower


Well-Known Member
Hard but i tsken a cutting at harvest time and it worked took longer to reveg bsck like but the buds drop off n dry out n plant grows again

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
Late veg? Of course you can clone it.
I suspect you mean later flower, that being you can try taking cuts I've taken them as late as week 6.

I've never tried this but its doable, flower the plant of but leave some vegitation on it then put it under 18/24hr light and it will grow again but takes time, for 4/6 weeks you'll odd growth then it'll revert back to vegitive growth.
Best of luck!