Well, as long as it's not your barn
Rooting compounds aid in rooting of moderate to difficult-to-root species, accelerate root initiation, improve rooting uniformity, increase the number of roots produced and reduce shrink and rooting time.
Vegetatively propagated floriculture crops continue to increase in popularity because of tremendous production, marketing and garden success. Growers are able to propagate a wide variety of herbaceous plants on-site through the help of improved stock plant management techniques and propagation...
Use of phytohormones and growth regulators has been reported in agriculture and horticulture from several years.
The search for natural products and organic rooting substances as substitutes for the use of phytohormones and PGR is
becoming very popular. This is due to the high cost of hormones and the risk of toxicity to plants, humans and
animals because of an overdose.
Extracts of some plant species have been found the presence of phytohormones in tissues due to which it exhibits root-promoting activities.
The use of plant extracts and natural products that contain a lot of active compounds could be a successful alternative to
synthetic hormones and plant growth regulators which are of chemical nature in improving root formation.
Hormones are rich in natural plant extracts, which can be used to improve and stimulate growth of other plant species.
From the review we can conclude that organic substances shows better performance in rooting of cuttings of many horticultural
crops and showed significance in root formation of cuttings than control and IBA.