closet growing tips


i have a four inch plant what light cycle should it be on and when can i start stunting the growth so it will grow wide not tall im using miracle grow moisture control soil and they are in jiffy starter pots and a 24" 75 watt grow light i got from walmart ive also watered them with miracle grow nutrient supplements

ps. any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated thanx:peace: <one love>
pps. ill have pictures of my set up and plants soon


Well-Known Member
u can have it on 24/0 or 18/6 i like 18/6 better i think they grow faster im on my frist grow and running out of room in my grow tent topping or LST r good for keep short fat plants i havent tryed any of these yet but the way things r going ill be out of room be the end of next week i have a picture how to top them to make them short and fat. i think u should wait to top them maybe till they get aLIL bigger i dont know how soon u can top plants but u can LST from the start i think.


Active Member
i have a four inch plant what light cycle should it be on and when can i start stunting the growth so it will grow wide not tall
any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated thanx:peace: <one love>
Alright , you can also bend your plant right over, from the top and tie it down with wire ties or wot ever u want, this gives theplant a bushier shape as the lower branches catch up to where the plant would ave been, good luck##:joint:


Alright , you can also bend your plant right over, from the top and tie it down with wire ties or wot ever u want, this gives theplant a bushier shape as the lower branches catch up to where the plant would ave been, good luck##:joint:
are you saying that i can bend it over at four inches?


Well-Known Member
yes u can bending/tieing a plant down this is LST= low stress training i believe u can start LST early but i havent tryed it yet plan on doing it soon my plants r about 2&half feet tall i think u should wait depending on ur grow room ur plant is 4 inches rite how old is she? 1-2 weeks? u might wanna think about more light later in ur grow and whats the N-P-K in MG moisture control? u might wanna stop feeding them if they r less then 3 weeks old


Active Member
are you saying that i can bend it over at four inches?
Yes mate u can bend it over when its that small, The taller it gets the more the stem will begin to strenghten so there for it'll b harder to bend over and may just snap. If your've got an idea of wot shape you want ya plant its best to start training it when its young an supple. Also if u start training when your've induced flowering it may stress the plant, so ya plant will put less strengh into budding and will b trying to recuppurate all the time,, where as im sure you'd rather have aplant putting all its efforts into growing u some fat bud, well i know i would, good luck:joint::hump: