Closet too hot...


Well-Known Member
Basically, thats the deal. During the day temps hover around 80-85 overall, but at night I close up my mother area and while im at work the flowering lights boost on and without as much air circ in the mother chamber the temps there hit 90-95! I've even seen 99 before. I have some ventilation, but being a closet in my apartment, its tough to do more. ive cut a small hole with a fan blowing out into the bedroom, and a small fan exhaust for the mother area. Any ideas on keeping things cooler in there? It seems to be slowing growth the more flowering lights I add (Its SOG, so im still adding lights as the crops progress)


Active Member
I have the same problem with this recent heat. I use fans and they seem to cool it down in my closet. 85 degrees is the max for a grow area.


Well-Known Member
yeah i know, ive got the fans in there circulating, but it doesnt help much when the air itself is 90+ :(


Well-Known Member
I found that if I kick the lights on at 6pm then that helps some. Leave the closet door open as much as possible even if it is just a crack. Turn the AC on in the house too. However, my plants never minded daily temps in the 90s either.


Active Member
put a large bowl of ice and water in front if tha fan, should do the trick! Dont leave it there to long cause humidy will raise! Good luck


Well-Known Member
A good way to deal with the heat is to introduce co2 into ur room...... Co2 helps the plant deal with high heat and also makes it grow alot faster....


Well-Known Member
Yea heat is a real yield killer. I just harvested too day two of my plants, and i had no vent or any kind of heat control. Man o man am i disappointed! Im looking at a half zip a plant!! Luckly i have multiple plants so im still set for the summer:) But i was honestly expecting almost double of wat i really have. And its all because of heat!! Looks like its all perce this time around:( which is a bummer cause i really need the cash.


Well-Known Member
i got told about a way of reducing your grow room tempature about 2 years ago but never put it to the test get a bucket of water and put it in freezer untill the water is no more then a slushy mess then put it in your grow room ( still in the bucket dumb dumb ) during the hot times this will APPARENTLY keep your grow room in the cool range for about 4-5 hours!!! if you do test this please tell me the result.

x T2 x

satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Is the air in the bedroom air conditioned...If it is,try turning the fan from blowing out to blowing in...keep the exhaust fan close to your light...these two things will help...I also cycle my plants lights at 8:45 pm....that way they are running at night when its cooler...


Well-Known Member
you need a more powerful fan on the exhaust. if you pull the air out of your closet faster it doesnt get a chance to get as hot. within reason, the size or numbers of intake/exhaust ducts doesnt really matter. how fast the air is changed out in the area does.

using frozen water as cooling is a bad idea because it is a pain in the ass (and prone to human failure... "fuck, i forgot!") and also can raise your humidity.


Active Member
this is my first grow but I would not do the frozen water trick. I am using HPS (Or soon will be, everyone is still under CFL atm) and I would be worried about the raise in humidity fucking over my lights and wiring, not to mention the plants.


Well-Known Member
Okay, let me give you my input.

I have been growing in a grow box I built (4' x 2 1/2' x 3'). For the first two months I had no ventilation, just fans on the inside. My temp was a consistent 94 degrees. All the fans would do is blow hot air around! I would leave the door open when home and the temp would be around 80. One day (after noticing my pistils being burnt) I decided to install ventillation. I installed two computer fans, one intake and one exhaust. My box is now a very constant 78 degrees with a humidity nearly always at 48%.

Seeing that your in a closet, and you rent, you can't do too much cutting. But if you have already cut one port for an exhaust, cut one more for intake. Dont use PC fans though. PC fans are generally rated for 132 cubic feet per minute. And while that sounds like alot.... Its no where enough for your closet. Radio Shack sells larger fans (look just like a pc fan, but its not) that push ~400 cf/m. These are what you should be aiming for. PC fans are DC so you need to buy a dc/ac converter rated for the same amount of voltage, watts, & amps as your fans (I learned that the VERY hard way, they catch on fire if you try to plug into ac outlet). The larger fans I just explained are ac.

Hope that wasn't too much rambling to make a point. Good Luck! :Peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone, thats a lot of input

Is there a way I could change the 12/12 cycle so its on at night? its currently on during the day (12:30pm - 12:30am) but I've got 12 plants under the 12/12 already (and am about to add 12 more) and don't wanna mess them up

Also my exhaust fan is bigger than a pc fan, its a 9" circular fan I made air tight to the cutting in the wall with duct tape and some tarp. I also have a somewhat small intake hole on the opposite side of the closet at the bottom. Would a small intake fan be very beneficial?

And no, there's no AC, just a window fan, but im in the mountains so its usually 70s to low 80s during the day. I feel like when the winter comes I can just use the closet to heat my room :) hehe.


Well-Known Member
I live in high desert. I just started the flowering cycle. I run my light from 7pm to 7am. They are off during the day and this helps alot.

oh really???

Well-Known Member
i had this same problem. for a two months i have been dealing with this. first i tried freezing 3 gallons per twelve hours and putting it on my cab. then i left the door open but the smell was not cool so i closed it and waited. for a month now i have been chilling with temps at 89 ambient. in the direct light it's 100-105. the plants are fine. two people told be this, as long as your plants are healthly watered they can survive high temps. get lots of intake air and look in the grow faq under ventilation. believe me your plants can survive and thrive in high temps but they should not be exposed to ambient temps higher than 95 for longer than an hour or two.

. . . .think about it, in the wild temps get to 100 in the summer and we still get outdoor herb. . .