Cloudy trichs but plant buds do not look ready? Please help!

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So I examined this lady under a microscope at 60X-100X, and the trichs were all cloudy.

However, the buds itself did not look done at all, AND the plant is extremely thin and scrawny (does not have a great amount of bud yeild). I did not top, and you can even see how small the main single cola is.

It is only 6 and a half weeks into flowering...

Due to the cloudy trichs, I was planning on harvesting in a week, even though she does not look ready. Any advice?

Here are the pics:



Well-Known Member
There wouldnt be any problem with chopping them now if u wanted / needed to , but personally id give them another 2-3 weeks.

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what strain is that? Just curious
Funny story actually:

Both plants come from the same strain. The two seeds are from a sac that my dealer gave me 3 years ago, and planted exactly 5 months ago on April 20th. Old seeds lol, but doing me good as they are both female. Hallaluya! My dealer said that it was OG Kush (I think, that's what I remember) but..... Idk about that... lol. He might have just been saying that ya know what I mean. It's interesting how one plant is dark green and scrawny with curly-like pistils and the other one is light green with hella dark purple calyxes with straight pistils. Anywho, if my dealer wasn't lying, then it's OG Kush. If he was, then i don't know :p


Well-Known Member
This is why the amber trichs are important.

Without presence of a significant number of amber trichs (10-20%), there is no way for you to know where you're really at.

I've had plants (sativas mostly) get to 100% cloudy by 6-7 weeks, but it still takes another 4-5 weeks to properly ripen.

This is also why you cannot judge ripeness on trichs alone.

Grow Info

This is why the amber trichs are important.

Without presence of a significant number of amber trichs (10-20%), there is no way for you to know where you're really at.

I've had plants (sativas mostly) get to 100% cloudy by 6-7 weeks, but it still takes another 4-5 weeks to properly ripen.

This is also why you cannot judge ripeness on trichs alone.
Thanks, +rep for details and specificity.