Club 600


Well-Known Member
When New York Gov. Cuomo does his state of the stat address he is going to announce that he is signing an executive order for medical marijuana. It's going to have 20 hospitals that will distribute it. The address is on Wed. so there should be more out there about this. He has signed a bunch of executive orders which isn't real democracy but for once its for good.


Well-Known Member
(*been sending out good vibes to your mom, gigs)

Hey all :-)
Got side tracked with house stuff, so tonight I indulged in something for me:

Started the paint job on the scooter!
(used to be pearl white)
front cover panel (about 10" x 13", or 25cm X 33cm):

floorboard side panels:

One more piece to paint orange tomorrow (about the same size as the piece in the first pic), but that's after I finish the wiring this morning.


Well-Known Member
ALBANY, N.Y. — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo will announce plans to legalize medical marijuana through an executive order, according to a published report Saturday.
Cuomo is expected to legalize medical marijuana on a limited basis at 20 hospitals for specific conditions, the New York Times reported Saturday evening. Cuomo will make the announcement during his State of the State address on Wednesday, the newspaper said, citing unnamed state officials.
The move would be a shift for Cuomo, who is up for re-election in November. As recently as April, he voiced opposition to the idea, questioning whether it could be properly regulated. But he also has said that he would keep an open mind on the issue, saying it is an "evolving one."
"I do not support medical marijuana. I understand the pros and cons. I understand the argument," the Democratic governor told reporters then. "We are looking at it, but at this point, I don't support medical marijuana."
Twenty states have legalized medical marijuana, and Colorado on Wednesday began allowing recreational marijuana use.
There was no immediate comment from Cuomo's office on the report.
The legalization of medical marijuana has repeatedly passed the Democratic-led Assembly, but has failed in the Republican-controlled Senate.
Democratic state Sen. Diane Savino said Saturday she was aware that Cuomo was expected to take a pro-medical marijuana stance in his address. She hailed his change in position.
"I think under his leadership, we can probably have the best, most-regulated, tightest-controlled system in the nation that provides real help for patients," she said.
The Times reported Cuomo is expected to use a provision in the public health law that allows the state health commissioner to approve controlled substances for patients with certain diseases.
State Conservative Party chairman Mike Long knocked Cuomo's stance, saying he should focus on the economy and the weak growth in the state's population.
"Instead of dealing with social issues that appeal to his liberal base, he would be best doing all New Yorkers a favor and get New York back on track," Long said Saturday.
Spector reports for the Gannett Albany (N.Y.) Bureau


Well-Known Member
... One more piece to paint orange tomorrow (about the same size as the piece in the first pic), but that's after I finish the wiring this morning.

... MAYBE only one more piece to paint orange tomorrow.
I'm still debating painting the front fender orange, or painting it snakeskin like the rest of the body panels will be.


Well-Known Member
I just keep my photo gallery open in another tab while I type my message, then open an image in the gallery to view it and then Right-Click and Copy Image, then go back to my message and paste it in where I want it to be.


Well-Known Member
When you insert your image into the editor: Double click on it. A pop up window will open. Choose the size


Well-Known Member
nice looking grow, glad you finally figured out how to big up the pics lol.

i think you are going to need another level on your screen at this rate.


Well-Known Member
I totally knocked over 3 plants from a shelf today that I had just potted up, lol (and hadnt' watered either) dry substrate all over the frikkin shop ffs. Plants are too big to fit into the vertical veg area after being potted up so I have shifted the light to a horizontal stylee and removed some runts and also removed a load and basically cut them in half and stuck them under the t8's in the top veg space. Some nice compact and smelly JAke Dreams, some nice Headband Cali o (or sourkush cali o) and a couple of ok Dream Dogs, but a load of stretchy ones as well. Do't think I have found the keeper yet for them.


Well-Known Member
nice one wizzard, i'll take quality over quantity every time. looks sexy.

and jigs plants are coming along nicely too, heard anything from said light guy yet?, i wonder if people think that the only light you use is the little flouro at the top lol there is no led to be seen in your vids and i know why that is it's just funny though. waiting on somebody to comment on your vids "omg you got all that bud from a baby t12?!?!"


Well-Known Member
nice one wizzard, i'll take quality over quantity every time. looks sexy.

I 100 % could and should have vegged longer, but I wouldn't be smoking it right now if that was the case. Pure quality is there, just not the yield.

Good job its all percy :)


Well-Known Member
I already got the question on one of my videos. Lol... dude was like, why do you only have one light up above everything.... you should put some lights in the middle there.

I don't really know how to get around the issue. No one wants to watch me take them down every video, nor watch a video with them up. I guess I should show them sitting there so people understand. It's funny.

I should call the videos 28w flouro closet grow. :)