Conflict of interest ?


Well-Known Member
my conflict of interest is all the medical jargen. I regularly see a therapist for bipolar disorder and anxiety, and agoraphobia, and some type of adhd and physical ailments to include fybromyalgia, bulging disk and Sherman kyphosis.
my therapist and psychiatrist has convinced me to stop smoking mj, i do smoke if my pain level gets unbearable (i just dont tell them) but my therapist tells me that mj will make my bipolar disorders worse and increase the level of scitsofrinia possibility. she talks in loads of medical talk that frankly i dont understand because of the mental conditions that i have. but thats y i come to the intelligent minds of riu, could someone please explain to me the risks i take if i do continue to smoke mj. i would also like it if anyone can provide some proof of there advise.
all i know is that i take loads of pills everyday that make me feel terrible, some times i feel as if there helping but most days i wonder why i ever quit smoking mj. thanks


Well-Known Member
Think about it for a minute. Shrinks and other doctors ONLY prescribe ONE THING, ever- Pharmaceuticals. U.S. manufacturers, including major drugmakers, have legally released at least 271 million pounds of pharmaceuticals into waterways that often provide drinking water - contamination the federal government has consistently overlooked, according to an Associated Press investigation.

SO WHY would your doctors want to stop prescribing you something that makes them money? You can grow your own MMJ, not so with Valium or other opiates. In MY opinion, doctors are the only 'dealers'. They get you hooked on Oxycontin, then wonder why you are having problems? There have been some studies done on LONG TERM cannabis use and Schizophrenia, but I am no doctor, NOR do I know the validity of that study. As far as pain relief, MMJ is one of the best things for it, in my book. Smoking it is not my preferred method but rather using a vaporizer. Smoking is bad, mmmkay? ;) I beleive there have been some reports of studies that were centered on Bi-Polar disorders and treatment with MMJ that were in-conclusive, but I could be mistaken. Sorry you have to live with that on a daily basis, but we all have our own bummers to deal with as well. :( Maybe someone else with experience here on that topic will chime in...


Well-Known Member
Think about it for a minute. Shrinks and other doctors ONLY prescribe ONE THING, ever- Pharmaceuticals. U.S. manufacturers, including major drugmakers, have legally released at least 271 million pounds of pharmaceuticals into waterways that often provide drinking water - contamination the federal government has consistently overlooked, according to an Associated Press investigation.

SO WHY would your doctors want to stop prescribing you something that makes them money? You can grow your own MMJ, not so with Valium or other opiates. In MY opinion, doctors are the only 'dealers'. They get you hooked on Oxycontin, then wonder why you are having problems? There have been some studies done on LONG TERM cannabis use and Schizophrenia, but I am no doctor, NOR do I know the validity of that study. As far as pain relief, MMJ is one of the best things for it, in my book. Smoking it is not my preferred method but rather using a vaporizer. Smoking is bad, mmmkay? ;) I beleive there have been some reports of studies that were centered on Bi-Polar disorders and treatment with MMJ that were in-conclusive, but I could be mistaken. Sorry you have to live with that on a daily basis, but we all have our own bummers to deal with as well. :( Maybe someone else with experience here on that topic will chime in...
thanks mcguyver ,
\it is so true with the docs and the meds, my therapist honers my wish to do more organic methods but my psychiatrist says different ( the one making the cash off the rx) all i know is that mj helped with all of my ailments. but its the risk of getting jailed or imprisoned for taking a non rxed med (ie; mj) right now im trying to gather some type of evedance to take to my therapist, she did state once that she approved in mj if it were prescribed so i dont think that shes completely a egotistical bitch that's just trying to make a buck off of the rx because she cant rx meds. im shure someone will help me find some type of information that will help my per suite.


Well-Known Member
well its good to get sooo many responses back, this is the one place whare i thought that id get some good proof of the benifits of mj.


Well-Known Member

This is just one of the slower forums, so not as many people see your post. My brother in law is bi polar, and both he and my sister feel that he is far more stable using MMJ then he is when they have him on a bunch of different pills. He's also a lot more able to function, since the pills tend to make him into a zombie while the MMJ just calms him down a bit.


Well-Known Member
thanks greyfox,
i wasent aware that this was a slower room than others, maybe u could let some members know about my post. so that maybe i can get the proof that im looking for.
i to feel that mmj takes a better approach to my symptoms than most of the pills that im taking, it also is a immediate response to taking the " drug ", than waiting for the pill to take affect.
this is a pretty big question that i constantly think about, because i know that i feel better smoking mmj. but i tend to go overboard because i love the high but before when i was smoking on an everyday basis, i would tend to smoke just to be high and not to help my symptoms. its what i would call a full blown addiction, although i needed the drug to help with my mental and physical ailments, i smoked my self to the point to whare it had no effect on me anymore. i know that my mentail symptoms are somewhat controlled with rx meds, but they make me sick. ie; stomach and dizzyness and memorie problems.
thanks for the responce


Well-Known Member

I use MMJ for different reasons then you do, but some of them are similar. My official reason for using it is back pain caused by being rear ended a couple of different times in the last 10 years, but my unofficial reason is that it's the only thing that allows me to deal with people and function relatively normally. I was on ritalin for 9 years when I was a kid because I was "hyper", and between the time they took me off of that and the time I started medicating myself with MJ my life was impossible. I couldn't slow myself down enough to concentrate and do pretty much anything right, I had absolutely no patience with people and saw everything in terms of black and white, and I was a lot more confrontational about anything I perceived as a disagreement. I dropped out of college after one semester and worked a series of dead end job before I figured out that MJ was the only thing that allowed me to handle the stress of dealing with both people and serious responsibilities. Since then I've gotten my act together, and after spending a number of years as a mid level manager for various companies this stoner completed his bachelors degree (at the tender age of 42).

With MMJ I'm able to handle people and even get along really well with a lot of people I work with. I've been holding down a job as an accountant for a family owned corporation that does around 15-20 million a year in sales for over a year now, and since only myself and the chief financial officer have accounting degrees I'm doing things that senior accountants and department heads do in larger companies. I'm living proof that MMJ benefits adults that have certain psychological problems (I think they call part of what I have ADD these days and have a couple other names for the things my Dr's just lumped under being "hyper") and that MMJ doesn't turn you into some kind of lazy couch potato that says "dude" a lot and that can't hold down a serious job.


Active Member
As far as the ADHD/ADD thing goes, I can answer that one for you. I feel slowed down when I'm stoned, but the Attention Deficit is still there---in fact, it's worse. If anyone tells you that MJ helps ADD/ADHD----THEY ARE WRONG. ADD/ADHD on it's own, is not helped by MJ. However, MJ does in fact, helps with the anxiety, the wrestlessness, lack of sleep, as well as helping you regain lost appetite. However, MJ does not help you focus, because you get high.

As for Bipolar disorder, your pyschiatrists are in fact, correct. Smoking MJ does will not help via long term with your anxieties and random mood swings. It will help you if you are pissed or depressed, but these are only temperary fixes (as you can easily become further depressed if you are stoned, versus not caring, which also happens) THC can actually increase your chances of having schizophrenic episodes.

I'm going to say this only once. NONE OF US AT RIU ARE ACCOMPLISHED PHYSICIANS. We do not know your medical history. We do not know what your ailments are and how YOU handle being high. If you truelly believe that you feel better by smoking cannabis, then do so. However, you are not a trained physician, either. Medication is prescribed to you because they THINK that it helps. If you do not think that your 'scripts are not helping, than it is up to you to detail your problems with them and then to give them to your RX. However; pyscologically, MJ is not helping you. It's putting Fix-A-Flat on your problems and it's temperarily helping.


Well-Known Member

I use MMJ for different reasons then you do, but some of them are similar. My official reason for using it is back pain caused by being rear ended a couple of different times in the last 10 years, but my unofficial reason is that it's the only thing that allows me to deal with people and function relatively normally. I was on ritalin for 9 years when I was a kid because I was "hyper", and between the time they took me off of that and the time I started medicating myself with MJ my life was impossible. I couldn't slow myself down enough to concentrate and do pretty much anything right, I had absolutely no patience with people and saw everything in terms of black and white, and I was a lot more confrontational about anything I perceived as a disagreement. I dropped out of college after one semester and worked a series of dead end job before I figured out that MJ was the only thing that allowed me to handle the stress of dealing with both people and serious responsibilities. Since then I've gotten my act together, and after spending a number of years as a mid level manager for various companies this stoner completed his bachelors degree (at the tender age of 42).

With MMJ I'm able to handle people and even get along really well with a lot of people I work with. I've been holding down a job as an accountant for a family owned corporation that does around 15-20 million a year in sales for over a year now, and since only myself and the chief financial officer have accounting degrees I'm doing things that senior accountants and department heads do in larger companies. I'm living proof that MMJ benefits adults that have certain psychological problems (I think they call part of what I have ADD these days and have a couple other names for the things my Dr's just lumped under being "hyper") and that MMJ doesn't turn you into some kind of lazy couch potato that says "dude" a lot and that can't hold down a serious job.
grey fox again thanks for your response.
I also have back pain due to two buldging disk's, and shermans kyphosis, and fybromyalgia. I started useing years back as a self medication because only recently have i been diagnosed with these ailments of back pain. the mentail stuff kinda started around the same time, and i thought that the consistant pain, day in and day out was causeing my mental symptoms.
to a point it was causeing some irritability that worsened my bi polor, but any ways i kinda understand whare ur coming from. I also did better being dosed (high) on mj. but the current jobs that i kept at that time it was impossible to dose and work at the same time. +rep


Well-Known Member
As far as the ADHD/ADD thing goes, I can answer that one for you. I feel slowed down when I'm stoned, but the Attention Deficit is still there---in fact, it's worse. If anyone tells you that MJ helps ADD/ADHD----THEY ARE WRONG. ADD/ADHD on it's own, is not helped by MJ. However, MJ does in fact, helps with the anxiety, the wrestlessness, lack of sleep, as well as helping you regain lost appetite. However, MJ does not help you focus, because you get high.

As for Bipolar disorder, your pyschiatrists are in fact, correct. Smoking MJ does will not help via long term with your anxieties and random mood swings. It will help you if you are pissed or depressed, but these are only temperary fixes (as you can easily become further depressed if you are stoned, versus not caring, which also happens) THC can actually increase your chances of having schizophrenic episodes.

I'm going to say this only once. NONE OF US AT RIU ARE ACCOMPLISHED PHYSICIANS. We do not know your medical history. We do not know what your ailments are and how YOU handle being high. If you truelly believe that you feel better by smoking cannabis, then do so. However, you are not a trained physician, either. Medication is prescribed to you because they THINK that it helps. If you do not think that your 'scripts are not helping, than it is up to you to detail your problems with them and then to give them to your RX. However; pyscologically, MJ is not helping you. It's putting Fix-A-Flat on your problems and it's temperarily helping.
bry , thanks for basicly putting it in black and white for me, although i feel slowed down and more cognative while im " high" , but that could also be my imagination to. before i beleived that mj could cure a cold and the flu,
but all it really did is put a bandaid on the problem. but in essence doesnt all the anxiety medications do the same thing, the anxiety is still there but u just dont care, the same as mj?
any ways thanks for your response + rep


Active Member
"but in essence doesnt all the anxiety medications do the same thing, the anxiety is still there but u just dont care, the same as mj?"

That, my friend, is for you to decide. People actually DO prefer the chem because it's synethitically made to help in certain areas that you yourself are not able to get to function properly. The pills bridge the gaps that are imbalancing your brain and giving you these so called "disorders". Now, you could argue that you are fine on your own, but the truth is that you function better under depressents. Because pot helps. Kind of. You feel that everything is all good because you don't care when you're high. I'm all for that. I use the same excuse to function for asthma and ADHD. Can I function fine w/o mj? Yes, but at a price. I find myself to be 2 completely different people when I'm sober from when I'm high. My interests change and my personality is completely different. I prefer one person to the other, in a way, so I always have enough bud on hand to be high, any time I want. My opinion? Keep using both. There are some situations that you are going to not want to be stoned, but you still need that extra help. A court appereance or a PO visit. You're driving a 400 miles, or whatever. Never know when they might come in handy. Just remember that whenever a person is diagnosed with bi-polar goes to jail and the local media covers it, what is the one that that is always printed? "The subject had been diagnosed with Bi-Polar Syndrome. Sources say that the subject had not been taking medication at the time of the incedent." If you are prescribed a medication and Doctors say that you NEED to be on it, then it's a good idea to be taking them if not regularly, than semiregularly, should anything happen in the future that is completely unexpected. But hey, that's just me.

Always look out for number one, even if it's not the exact thing that you want to do.


Well-Known Member

Interesting about how you feel like you're two different people (one straight, one high) because I'm the same way. I have to question whether you're right about it helping you to concentrate better though. I'm far more productive when I'm stoned, and make fewer errors because I can focus on what I'm doing without being distracted by every phone that rings or person that walks by outside my office. I've actually tested my results both stoned and straight to find out for sure whether it was just my imagination or not, and I do perform better stoned.

Back in the days when I was in the hands of the psychologists they didn't have terms like adhd, so I don't know exactly what I have in modern terms. Like you said, I'm not a doctor, and i can't say how something is going to effect someone elses system. All I know is that MMJ allows me to function and actually be a productive member of society rather then a moody recluse that can't hold down a serious job.


Active Member
In my opinion, it's more to do with "How high are you" when I measure productivity (I always work stoned for this reason, that I am more productive), versus what grabs my attention when I'm baked. It also has more to do with your physical body make-up than anything. It's my understanding that ADHD isn't the same with everyone. While one person might notice a slight attention deficit, another might finding it mentally impossible to pay attention without the help of Adderal or Ridelin. See where I am getting at?


All I can say is that if your physician told you that it's bad for you...better quit it man. It's for the better, I guess. Maybe it is just so darn difficult at first. The idea perhaps that you're hook into it makes your medication more difficult to handle.


Well-Known Member
this was a very interesting article thank you.
i guess the most interesting thing is when my theripist was talking about how smoking mj leads to mental illness etc. I asked for the liturature, and had stated that ive searched all over for this information and couldnt find one bit of medical reasearch that stated her statement, her answer and i qoute
" the reasearch documents are not availible to the public, ( and i qoute again) "its none of the general publics business what the reasearch proves."
well this had fliped the switch in my head and i asked her when the most recent date of the reasearch date was, because as of my knowlage it was a illegal substance and that it hadent be researched since the 50's in a clinical setting.
and not to my surprise she had no answer and quickly changed the subject, go figure.
now i realise that im going to this person for help, and i understand that before i was going way over board with the drug, to the point that it really had no effect on me,( the only thing availible was swage inbetween my grows) but i dont understand why the information would be secrative if there trying to prove that it is harmfull in any way.
Im just looking for the truth, Is this drug that has helped me when no one would help me such a bad thing and is this drug going to further my conditions or create new conditions. and with the curent findings, im left baffeled and confused even more than before.
but with the help of this site im starting to see the truth.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is that if your physician told you that it's bad for you...better quit it man. It's for the better, I guess. Maybe it is just so darn difficult at first. The idea perhaps that you're hook into it makes your medication more difficult to handle.
ive been mostly clean for over three months now, and mostly means i smoke on occasion, some times to ease unbearable pain or to plan just get stoned and relax. beings that im unable to drink alcohol do to the point that it could kill me. and like everyone here knows . every one needs a break from time to time.
the basis of my research here is to make a more informed decision, the medications that i take for my mental and physical conditions make me feel like shit. from the day that i have stopped smoking weed. ive been a dead lump on the sofa and have abandoned all house hold chores and the want to create projects to occupy my time. due to the point that im not able to work due to my problems this leads to be a very depressing part in my life, and not to mention very boring, i have always worked two jobs since ive started working. so im thinking that im not a lazy person, and in fact it bothers me that im unable to work but my conditions prevent me from doing this. ive started this post to gain information to make a good choice for my self.
but thanks for your input