Cool my dry room without venting or AC?


I have an extra room that could be used as a dry room, but don't have the available power to add an air conditioner. The dehumidifer will generate X btu's of heat, so I need to find a way to cool it for 7-8 days while the harvest is drying.

Does anyone know of any good "redneck" type of solutions that could cool a 18x18 room? Could I somehow use dry ice and a fan?

The outside air is super hot, so I cannot vent the room.

I only need to get the room to 80, but obviously the lower the better. The technician at Santa Fe Dehumidifiers told me that 1000 btu's of heat are created for every 1 pound of water removed.


Well-Known Member
If it was good for flower it's good to dry. If you want other areas dry in your bathroom or closet. If you can't I'm sorry not gonna help. A few noobs have already burnt me today.


It's not a room that can be flowered in because it has no AC or lights. It's an empty room that I would like to turn in to a dry room so I can save time in my flower room.


Well-Known Member
You should have the dry area just bigg enough for what you have to dry. I used a PVC frame that I made. It's 4x4x6. Used green and brown tarp to cover it. Made string racks to hang them. This help with a slow dry. And I can put over 3L in there. So a large room would dry them to fast for me. But I guess if you just cut and hang the whole plant might slow it down. Anything under 4 days is to fast.