Correct times!


Active Member
what is the correct amout of light of each phase? how long does each phase take??
From research i have gotten this but idt its right.
Seedling stage 4weeks light times is??
Veg is about 4-6 weeks light is???
flowering is about 4-6 week 12-12 light


Active Member
seeding and veg can be either 18/6 or 24/24, but i prefer 24/24 because it is faster. some people think it is better for the plants to have a break, which is closer to what they would experience the wild, being light and dark. i like strait light until flowering stage


Well-Known Member
It's more like this:
Seedling stage 1-2 weeks, light is 24/0 or 18/6
Veg is about 2-6 weeks (at least 4 weeks is preferable), light is 24/0 or 18/6 (stay consistent with seedling)
Flowering is 6-14 weeks (most common is 8 - 10 weeks), light is 12/12

Many people don't differentiate between the seedling stage and veg state, since it really isn't clear when it switches from one to the other (seedling is just the beginning of the veg state when the plant is more fragile).