CT resident here

Hello. I am a CT resident seeking a medical card. I have done my research and from what I understand it is not going to be easy. I suffer severely from anxiety. I had a traumatic experience happen to me when I was younger and its the basis of all my anxiety of my entire life. Up until about 3 months ago, I did not use any type of substances such as alcohol or drugs for 11 years. When I was younger I partied hard and it got out of hand so I quit. About 3 years ago, I seeked help from a psychologist to work on my issues. I then went to see a (pill pushing) psychiatrist who then put me on all sorts of pills. It was the wost experience of my life and it made my anxiety worse. I finally got off the pills after a few months. I kept on going to my psychologist on and off. She had diagnosed me with PTSD, which she specializes in. But on and off for the past 3 years I have went back to benzos to try to help with my anxiety and it just did not work. Pills just bring me to a dark place and I hate the feeling of relying on them. I was fed up. I took a big risk and I started smoking marijuana at night. It was the best thing I could have ever done! I take a few puffs at night to relax me and it also helps me sleep (no more lunesta). I know it may seem stupid to try to get my card because I never leave the house with it and I only use it at night. But here is the thing, I am a local business owner with kids and my wife is a teacher, god forbid I was caught with it for what ever reason. I know the chances of getting caught with it are slim and it has been decriminalized. I just want to do the right thing. My psychologist has diagnosed me with PTSD and will refer me to any doctor that can prescribe me MMJ. She told me she would prescribe it to me if she could. I am going to talk to my physician. They know my anxiety history, they have actually prescribed me Xanax on several occasions. I know this is probably more information then you needed to read, but I just wanted to share my experience and hopefully get some feedback/advice, or to hear other experiences. Thank you.
Update - I went to my doctor today. She said that their practice was not at that level yet and to check back in 6 months. She was nice about the whole thing, and did not have any negative thoughts on it. But she simply could not help me at this time, which I kind of expected. But anyways, I am going to keep researching.
Hi there, I am a CT resident as well. I believe I have PTSD issues as well, not to mention my already diagnosed anxiety and clinical depression. MJ is by far my most effective daily med, much more stress reducing than the cymbalta and abilify i am supposed to be taking. I talked to my GI and he didn't feel knowledgeable enough about MMJ to help me, although he, like yours, isn't against it per se. I am thinking about going to one of the doctors who are advertising their MMJ practice in CT to see if my PTSD symptoms are legitimate (I never served in the military or have been in combat certainly, but i swear 9-11 still haunts me regularly, for instance) and if I can get approved. My local "provider" is fine, I am just hoping for more consistent quality and better pricing once dispensaries are finally approved for CT patients. let me know if you find anything more out, please, and good luck to you!


Well-Known Member
Hi there, I am a CT resident as well. I believe I have PTSD issues as well, not to mention my already diagnosed anxiety and clinical depression. MJ is by far my most effective daily med, much more stress reducing than the cymbalta and abilify i am supposed to be taking. I talked to my GI and he didn't feel knowledgeable enough about MMJ to help me, although he, like yours, isn't against it per se. I am thinking about going to one of the doctors who are advertising their MMJ practice in CT to see if my PTSD symptoms are legitimate (I never served in the military or have been in combat certainly, but i swear 9-11 still haunts me regularly, for instance) and if I can get approved. My local "provider" is fine, I am just hoping for more consistent quality and better pricing once dispensaries are finally approved for CT patients. let me know if you find anything more out, please, and good luck to you!

People like you going to mess it up for us Vets who have been to combat and have LEGIT PTSD.


New Member
Connecticut is being ridiculous with their medicinal usage, I believe that IF you feel like weed helps you then by all means you should be allowed to receive a medical card. Instead they are being very strict on who gets medicinal cards. And even worse the growers like me would have to pay Incredible amounts of money just to apply to be able to grow legally.

Initial Application Fee: $25,000 (Non-Refundable)
Registration Fee: $75,000 (Non-Refundable)
Renewal Fee: $75,000 (Non-Refundable)

Isn't that just incredible. My worst fear is dropping all that money then being declined for some stupid reason.


Well-Known Member
OK what was the process ?
Never mind, had fax confirming medical records were sent, called to confirm/make appointment, the woman's response nope we never received and you could tell she could not be bothered.
Then an article in the Hartford Courant about how the growers are getting ready for September and they are not sure of what the price will be but as mentioned it's a lot more expensive doing business in CT than other states so go from there. Other states seem to be expensive as it is, I can only cringe at what the prices will be here.
Between these two factors, I said screw it, the old fashioned way has worked for 40 years now so why change now ?
I just wanted to update. I ended up following through and I got my card. If anyone has any questions, please ask.
i have question,i'm from ct as well,I've applied for my mmj card online,pd ,etc. but it's been 3 weeks and i still haven't received it. do you remember how long it took to get in the mail after you applied. do you believe how expensive it is here...520 an oz. wtf. last time i smoked it was 50 an oz. :)


Well-Known Member
Just what I said, to expensive in Ct. and they are attempting to justify however why would the majority pay $200/oz more than what they have been paying ? What did Ct growers do to their plants to justify the price. Ct = Fail
Just what I said, to expensive in Ct. and they are attempting to justify however why would the majority pay $200/oz more than what they have been paying ? What did Ct growers do to their plants to justify the price. Ct = Fail
it's just the beginning...trial and error.i'm hoping things will get better.
i have been to bluepoint wellness in Branford,ct.the process was smooth,educational and pleasant. i have no complaints,however the product is ground up? wasn't expecting that and have since signed a petition to change that,so ct pts can get buds,plant in original form.


Well-Known Member
Ground up ??? So stems/seeds are prob in there also @ $550 + . This is working out to be a money grab by the state not a medicinal product that can help patients of there ailments. I am sure some people will continue the medicinal route in CT (do not know any source) but we have survived many many years just fine with the illegal product that is better and is 1/2 the cost. The choice is yours.


Well-Known Member
Other states having issues as well...Washington
"State data show that licensed growers had harvested 31,000 pounds of bud as of Thursday, but Washington's relatively few legal pot shops have sold less than one-fifth of that. Many of the state's marijuana users have stuck with the untaxed or much-lesser-taxed pot they get from black market dealers or unregulated medical dispensaries — limiting how quickly product moves off the shelves of legal stores."

My question is - Nobody anticipated this ??? OK now that greed has competition, states need to lower their prices or the programs will fail.
update...as of last week we now have buds(at bluepoint wellness) instead of only ground up product.again,i am really hoping things will improve even more...a lower price would b nice :)