curling/shriveling leaves!!


Well-Known Member
the older fan leaves of my one week old white widow are kinda curling and shriveling looking. i've been looking it up but i cant seem to find an answer. the new leaves coming out r healthy looking though. currently growing it in a little box with 3 daylight CFL's which i think one of them might be too close and the intake fan blows a lot of air at the plant not sure if that's a bad thing or not. im not sure about the tempature yet cuz my thermo hygrometer has no battery but i have a shitty humidity gauge on it and it says its in the 40's. the plant is in about a 6" pot with fox farm ocean forest watered every day cuz the soil dries out a lot or maybe ive just been watering it too much and think the soils dry but its not. i currently dont have any pictures of it but i'll try to get some. also, i have a cheap liquid ph tester that turns colors which sux but i try to keep it around "5.5" to around "6.5" from the colors it defines on the bottle. i also have a few seedlings that had burnt tips that r growing in the ocean forest which im not sure why. help me out on the curling leaves what could it be??


Well-Known Member
i have a cheap liquid ph tester that turns colors which sux but i try to keep it around "5.5" to around "6.5" from the colors it defines on the bottle.
You probably need to keep that a little tighter. 6.5 is the right pH for a plant in vegetative growth. Can be 6.0 for younger plants still seeding or in clone stage, but swining between 5.5 and 6.5 is quite an experience for a baby plant.

A question about fox farm ocean forest. Since they dont sell that in my country and there are no pics of your grow as yet, is that some sort of seeding soil or is it the usual bark type potting mix I regularly see in pics of plants.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
when you water a lot with that soil,the same as i use,your releaseing the ferts to need to wait till the soil is dry when you stick your finger into the soil about two inches.the plant will actually wilt a little thats when you should water.


Well-Known Member
ive actually thought it was too hot by the plant, maybe the light is close cuz the intake and exhaust fans both blow perfectly fine. u think 3 cfl's is fine?


please help my baby looks like she's dying she's 4mnths old and i think has just startd to flower ( i hope ) but she looks like this can anyone please help and give me some advice thnx very much amy xx