Cutting lower branches?


I just read in someone's grow journal that to maximize growth at the upper nodes/cola(s) it helps to clip the lower branches that will either have to stretch to reach the light, or simply won't get much light at all. I've clipped a few, (the ones I was positive weren't going to thrive) but I was wondering, should I leave some, and then once the upper buds finished, trim them and keep growing the lower branches?

I've also got a supplemental light providing the lower part of the plant with a bit of light, which I'm sure will help.

Basically, before I cut off all my lower branches, I want to make sure the benefit of removing them outweighs the possibility of having more bud sites lower on the plant after I harvest the upper portion. Thanks!

By the way this is my first post!

kbo ca

Active Member
the method you're talking about is sometimes referred to as "lollipopping" It is a great way to maximize your plant density (fit more plants into less space) and your overall yield.. It also makes trimming quicker. No small buds to mess with.. some people like the smaller popcorn nugs to make their hash or edibles. So it really depends on what you want from your plants. you can get a larger yield per plant if you leave the lower branches on but you will get a larger yield out of your room if you lollipop. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
if youve got sidelighting dont remove them all, i usually remove 20-30 off each plant and clone them. i cut just enough to ensure good airflow.


I'd leave em be! Then you can harvest them before the tops. And have something To chief...mess with it, drying and curing, manicuring, they can be something to give you practice and develop your technique.


Active Member
you can get a larger yield per plant if you leave the lower branches on but you will get a larger yield out of your room if you lollipop. Good luck!!
I say trim them babies! Avoid cutting and trimming in flower as much as possible. This just adds unwanted and purely avoidable stress. Even with supplemental lighting. Take into consideration how much penetration you main lamp is getting. The budz on bottom are far inferior to your tops. Iv never seen a difference in yield. If anything the tops are stronger. Also take into account how much more your supplemental is catching the under sides of your colas. And dont get me started on better airflow lol... BUT to each his own.

kbo ca

Active Member
I say trim them babies! Avoid cutting and trimming in flower as much as possible. This just adds unwanted and purely avoidable stress. Even with supplemental lighting. Take into consideration how much penetration you main lamp is getting. The budz on bottom are far inferior to your tops. Iv never seen a difference in yield. <---- If you lollipop you can fit more plants in your grow area... more plants = larger yield


Well-Known Member
i do it all the time and it works great the lower branches when i left them where little airy buds that usually dried to nothing anyway so i started lolly popping and will never leave them again the density and size of my top colas was considerable. i also top in flower to keep them short i run through and chop them in the second week of flower (as well as topping) and in the 4th week i finish the lollypopping.

