Day 65 Blue Widow & AK-48


Active Member
Hey guys, I really wanted to have a full journal for these 2 beauties, but I didn't have a camera, nor the time when I started them.

I have 1 Blue Widow (Dinafem) and 1 AK-48 (Nirvana) on their 65th day of flower. I'm using 2 125W CFLs. (1 6500K and 1 2700K for the whole cycle veg through flower.) They were both started from seed and luckily 2/2 were female.
This was more of an experimental grow, as it's only my second, but it's turned out pretty good other than a small spider mite problem a few weeks ago.

Anyways, just here to post some pics of the girls as they finish up. I've been checking trichomes daily with my 30x Loupe, and they all seem to still be clear. From the description of the strain's breeders, they both should be done by now? I know it's hard to tell without seeing close-ups of the trichomes, but any help as to how much longer you think they have would be awesome. I'll try and get some better pics within the next day or so.

-Thurgood :leaf:

Pics : First 2 are the Blue Widow, and Last 3 are AK-48.



Active Member
Damn that looks really good. You could wait another week but it looks about done right now. How much do you think you'll harvest? Great Job.

Cangri 9

oh and by the way as pertaining to how much longer until they are done i would have to agree with INDO around a week or so judging by the hairs. There seems to be a good amount of brown on them. Im pretty sure you know all about this but i thought this might help you in some ways. i found it on another thread View attachment 1378627View attachment 1378628


Active Member
Hey Indo, thanks for posting man. To be honest, I really have no idea what they'll harvest. My guess would be like 2-3 Oz dried between them both. I coulda used some more light, and I'm pretty sure I coulda used more nutes too. Having not grown for that long, I didn't want to burn them up.

Like you said though, they look done to me, and definitely smell done lol. All the trichomes are still clear though, from what I can see in my 30x Loupe. I def. don't want to take them down too early, and not get the high I want. I'll keep checking them this week and see if I can notice some amber/milky.


Active Member
Hey Cangri, thanks for the posts! Yea I've seen your first image before, thanks for those though, definitely helps. Lights are off until morning right now, so I'll get you a pic of the bulbs tomorrow or the next day. I'll prob. just find you a link so you can see what brand/model etc. The hood/s I use are just cheap wing reflectors...cost about $40 already wired.

Edit : Just had to add...this Blue Widow smells amazing. Almost like a blueberry fruit punch, def. some of the best smelling shit I've ever had around.


damn im interested in a full plant shot :D
maybe? eh? eh?

also beautiful where did you get your CFLs?


Active Member
Hey TicTic, thanks for stopping in to post. The closet that I'm currently growing in is kind of cluttered atm with both lights in there, and you can't really get a good shot from the outside...that's why the pics are awkward looking lol. I'll try to take a light out tomorrow to get some full shots for you. They're so top heavy right now, I'm afraid to try and move the plants lol. I'll get some more pics for you either way tomorrow morning.

As far as the CFLs go, I bought them at a local hydro shop, but I'm sure you can order them on-line. I'll try and find a link for you right now and edit it into the post.

Edit : Ok so I don't think this is the same brand, but it's the same wattage and base. (They also have 2700K's for flowering.) The price is about the same as the hydro shop here. You might be able to find better deals elsewhere.
I just use these with a cheap wing reflector...and you can put these things inches from your plants through the whole cycle.


Active Member
So I was just checking out a few small clippings under the Loupe, and still see a few spider mites crawling around. I noticed I had some a couple weeks into flower and thought I took care of it, but I guess they're still around. Some people have recommended water curing to get rid of any that may be left on the bud after harvest, but I really really don't want to try water curing for some reason. Suggestions? The leaves look better on the plants, there's no sign of another infestation YET. Only having a week or so left, I really don't want to spray these babies with anything...and I obviously can't feed Azamax. I'm thinking since it's about 10 degrees outside, just throw my buds out there for a couple hours after I harvest...would that kill them or get most of them off?

j to the c

Well-Known Member
from the pics the trics look done but there is a simple test cut a lower bud off and dry it in the oven at less than 200 degrees and smoke it. it wont taste good but the high is what your after at this point


Well-Known Member
So I was just checking out a few small clippings under the Loupe, and still see a few spider mites crawling around. I noticed I had some a couple weeks into flower and thought I took care of it, but I guess they're still around. Some people have recommended water curing to get rid of any that may be left on the bud after harvest, but I really really don't want to try water curing for some reason. Suggestions? The leaves look better on the plants, there's no sign of another infestation YET. Only having a week or so left, I really don't want to spray these babies with anything...and I obviously can't feed Azamax. I'm thinking since it's about 10 degrees outside, just throw my buds out there for a couple hours after I harvest...would that kill them or get most of them off?
Hey thurgood, I am growing four blue widows, does the smell reek to alert neighbors or is it mild. I am only in the 7th week of veg. I am using 400mh/hps. I can recommend something that worked for me and spidermites. Just use 1/2 rubbing alcohol and water. I used it outside and had wonders. The alcohol kills them on contact and then evaporates. May not be for indoor, or you may be to close to flushing, scared of alcohol taste. Not experienced grower, but I did have success outside. It might be different indoors. And you maybe to close to the end for that, just a suggestion. Let me know how she yields.