desired moisture content? Humidor storage?


Well-Known Member
I have been reading through this board and have found some great info, but I am curious as to what the best moisture % would be. I know stem snap ect ect...

I ask because I have a large temp controlled humidor that sits at 65% RH and 65F , I have always stored bud in there, 65% is great for cigars, and is below the danger area for mold(for tobacco). Just wondering if anyone has done any curing/storage in a RH controlled space.

This may also help me out since I will have time to dry, but not properly cure before I need to take off for a business trip. I have considered drying and storing in the humi while I am away, then to jars after two weeks at 65% relative humidity for the final cure. other option may be the freezer (last resort).

any thoughts on this one?


Active Member
65% RH is a little high for drying buds. I'd be worried about mold at that high of humidity. 45-55% is what you want.


Well-Known Member
stick them in the humidor without the humidifiers and maybe the cedar might give it a nice taste


Well-Known Member
Could you dry for 2 weeks - put in humidor to re moisten and then jar cure?

Just an idea.