Detox times!


Well-Known Member
found this a short time ago, this should clear up what takes how long to go out of your system...

Drug Detection Times in Urine
up to 5 weeks for weed, figures the least harmful drug out there is the longest for staying in your system A-a-a-argh!


Active Member
yeah i just use *quick fix* ,, its not a drink ,, them drinks are fukin gross & didnt work for me ever ,,, quick fix ,, comes in a lil vile with a temp strip on vile & a hand warmer .... enough for 2 uses .... i went for a phisical for a job & made the dumm mistake of taping it to teh upper part of my leg , by the sackola & after i used it, i put it in my pocket ,, then here comes the doctor & says ,, take ur cloths off & put on this robe ,, liek a paper gown ,, , he left the room & came back ,, to give my phisical , grab balls & cough ,, eye test , balance test & lifting test ,,, he noticed a big ass red mark with alot of hair missing on top my leg ( from rippin teh tape off , that was holding my fake piss to my leg ) i just told him my g/f is a freak & likes the hot wax thing ,, & iv been itching it for 2 days straight ,, he didnt say shit & i got the job ,, :)