Dialing in my aero cloner

Like I said, it is my first time doing them in aero, I still need to work on things. I've been dosing pool shock every two days and water temps have been about 76f. Do you have any pics of your superior roots?
Not really but they should always be white 2B8E55BB-B0BC-472C-ADD8-AE1095591620.jpeg
It sounds like to much shock too I only treat once per cycle
Yeah that might be it. I also think they may have gotten a little over calloused from the rooting hormone so I might go easier on that too.
Plain well water
Ph’d or not is all I use with a couple granules of pool shock
My cloner is on the lawn atm filled with bleach water
I have gone months without changing the water
I have a supposed best ever cloner recipe but I never felt it was warranted