Did i harvest these buds early? Were these still in vegetative state?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Post number 3 is the mot important post.

Uless you answer those questions, i don't see any point in attempting to help you with anything. You've avoided the questions, yet claim you want to learn. Clearly not the case.

And you might not have stolen them, but you damned sure didn't grow them. That much is for sure.
And you might not have stolen them, but you damned sure didn't grow them. That much is for sure.
yea obviously i didnt grow them , else i'd have answered. i found the plant on my way home from colg,
it looked diff from others, it had a lil resin on it ,looked like a kind of bud to me. i didnt pluck it to smoke it but to ask @ the forum about the state of buds
i'd never ever steal someone else's crop.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
if you are there it looks like paradise, and would be someones grow even on the side of the road be very careful who you are steeling from