do feminized seeds need less light?


Active Member
The title really says it all. I've been experimenting with this for a while and it seems that if I give the bagseeds at least 18/6 or more that they will go female.

i haven't been happy with the yields so i picked up some feminized seeds from the attitude bank, and im wondering if i can do a 12/12 from the beginning in order to speed up the timing to harvest without worrying about males popping up.

any help or advice on the light schedule would be great.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
you can do a seed from start to finish with 12/12.
but heres the deal. its going to take a little longer to show sex because its not going to sex until it mature enough. so why not veg. it for a few weeks and increase your yeild but much more.


Well-Known Member
No, feminized doesn't mean it doesn't need any vegging time!

edit: ok you can do it, but i really don't think it's worth while