do i have the right setup


Active Member
i am a first time indoor grower an i already germinated my strawberry cough seed an planted it in a 8 inch sprouted but the seed was still hanging on it so i got it off gently with came off really easy.but now my plants in the shape of an upside down J,where the seed was hanging off..i have it under a hps light..will the plant start growin straight up like it should in a day or two.

Sativa Love

Active Member
First, don't touch your plant. There was no reason to take the seed casing off, just let nature run its course. Any what do you mean and upside down 'J'. You mean two upside down 'J's probably.


Well-Known Member
I touch my plant all the time. Just wash hands before.

It could be a number of things, Pic?

Water, is it dry? Light, how far away it the light to the top of your plants?


Well-Known Member
No he means both leafs are kinda bent over in the same direction making an upside down J

All ya can do is just leave it, it will have no probs at all if you got the other factors sorted, they all turn out good if ya just leave em alone


Active Member
yeah i meant like if you were to turn the pot upside down the sprout would look like a j but its 11.02 right now as im posting this and the sprout is almost straight up so it will be fine.but the 100w hps lamps are about 13in from the the way my other plant just sprouted and i got my timers on 18/6 is this good