So basically, you are not only refusing to provide any evidence, you are telling us to do your job and find your evidence for you.
So we're pussies and slaves because we refuse to accept your unproven claims? You berate us for not challenging a false authority, yet you set your self up as an authority on these unsubstantiated facts. Then you get all butt hurt and pissy when we stand up for ourselves and challenge you. Your position is contradictory and hypocritical. You have presented nothing here that deserves to be taken seriously.
I have already found the evidence and gave you all a small summation of what i found and ALREADY i tried to RELAY that info on to you it in the most simplistic manner possible...
what... you think they are going to spell it out for you in plain english, like I JUST DID... so you and everyone can know about this and not be abused by them taking advantage of you and others... and raking in the money BY the continuation of their fraudulent abuse over the control of people... (paid for... by you and others btw in taxes) to ad insult to injury... 
come on guys...
you completely misunderstood me and my intentions... i am certainly not "butt hurt" or pissy... i expected this response from some, as i knew that "for reasons of plain indoctrination" you and others would meet this information with scrutiny...
here i show up and post in this section... something that would give you and everyone a fighting chance against the fraud that the legal system is... and would like for people to RECOGNIZE common law as being supreme BECAUSE IT IS... read for goodness sake... this is like law 101 common law is the supreme law of the land...
if you argued and just brushed off my earlier points... what would make me want to spend hundreds of hours of putting ALL of the case law and info on here for you or anyone else for that matter to just ignore it???
i am trying to... albeit in a somewhat confrontational manner am trying to "snap" you guys out of the zombie like stupor that just herds you all in like cattle for the slaughter... and trying to help you learn and encourage you to realize and take back your inherent natural rights you all so "willingly and unwillingly" AND UNKNOWINGLY given away...
and you are not "standing up for yourselves" because the only thing i have accused you with is the apparent ignorance and timidness which is exactly what your responses had contained within them...
and NO i am not looking for you to find evidence for me... i am telling you that all of the evidence you need to look for is located at YOUR OWN STATE office where there is piles and piles of paperwork of case law you can read for yourself...
to narrow it down look for cases that have subjects that are of importance... like "drug charges" and other related items...
if you actually have any direct questions that i can answer for you then ask, if you want to just sit there and deny what i am telling you and tell me that it is "unsubstantiated fact"... and... you want to continue to tell me the earth is flat then i have no conversation with you...
because how could i discuss law with someone who hasnt even the BASIC comprehension of what i had ALREADY stated and explained what it is???
and how could you comprehend or even want to listen anything else i have to say in respect TO WHAT I ALREADY TOLD YOU...
here is some sites i provided for you, if you want to use the internet for info regarding law....
you seem to want 9,000 pages already from me... when you wont even read or educate yourself further on the only 1-2 pages ive already given you... so here you go... geesh...
when reading PAY CLOSE ATTENTION to wordings and since the "comment" of "semantics" had been made towards me...
then well... you had better get used to it because LAW is FULL OF SEMANTICS... as you had better study the interpretations and meanings of the "words" they use that "sound pretty" but have alternate meanings, and in doing so it can SLIP RIGHT BY YOU without you knowing and then you lose... so pay attention to the legal meaning of words used in governmental documents...
library of congress...........................
court records(for case law)..................................
uniform commercial code..................
united states code...........................
and etc........................... here you go... theres a few sources to get you started....
if you have a specific subject... and you have questions on any of it... if i can answer it i will... so just ask... and i can help clarify it for you if need be... and help you in comprehending what your natural inherent rights are... and how they apply with regards to....or even in disregard to whichever statute or code it is pertaining to...