Does anyone use an Airstone in there feeding solution?


Active Member
I just recently put two 8inch air stones in a 33gallon plastic trash bin and let my RO water in there over night, and the girls seem to be loving it!. Anyone else doing this in an Organic soil application? If so how long should i treat the water to were its beneficial and not just wasting time?

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thump easy

Well-Known Member
man im not shure in soil it mater big dog.. in dwc or aroe flood and drain same nutes it realy matter but the roots get air if they are in pots or in coco its more extreem if your roots are in water... but ill give you a great one look for mico bublers the more fine the bubbles are the more air in the water but you need it to be cool so it can stay in the water retain 02.. any old stone is great better than nothing but you need a micro pore bubbler is the shit.. it helps about a point in your oxegen tank depending on how much real o2 you have in the air also stail air has something to do with the bubbler i vent once in a while and the girls love the fresh air, in the room and in the root zone!!


Well-Known Member
I think you should always have air running in nutrient solution in whatever you're system you're running, roots love it.

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marie e

I use air stones in my dwp pots ,but only just started useing this system,i used to use auto pot and still use a air ring under the coco the roots love it same in soil


Active Member
I use the roots organics exclsively and it drops the water ph about 2 full points when you first add the nutes(5ml master feed schedule) the directions tell you to bubble it for 24-48 hours to let the ph rise.I have found that the ph continues to drop anyway so you still have to adjust it so I don't think it really matters how long that it is bubbled.(i do 48 hours just because)

marie e

I no longer ph,aint for about 3 year has long has water is good ya be fine a ec trunchen is far more important
i get min 10 of each plant most of the time 12/13 but nutes are pretty good now they do the ph for ya get advanced or canna


Well-Known Member
I have 2-33 gallon water holding res/tanks for my grow. I have 2 large air stones in each one with their own pump that run 24/7. im a soil grower as well.


Active Member
I have 2-33 gallon water holding res/tanks for my grow. I have 2 large air stones in each one with their own pump that run 24/7. im a soil grower as well.
Yeah Demon, I let my solution bubble up to 48 hours or around 2 days, Do PH your solution pryer,during or after the bubbling of the solution?

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thump easy

Well-Known Member
i can give it a test and see what the difference is in oxygen level what temps are your rooms and i will try to duplicate the room temp also ill got a few different lines of nutrients im not shure if this will make a difference and i have an oxygen meter. lets plut all these theory's into play im curious myself i got plants outside too.. also what kind of bubblers do you guys own?? ill try the micro pore bublblers for you guys and ill do the regular stone.. this wont happend for a week thats my next nutrient feeding but i will run the 2 days before sorry guys im committed this week at the doc's office..THUMPENSTIEN!! 002.JPG


Active Member
i can give it a test and see what the difference is in oxygen level what temps are your rooms and i will try to duplicate the room temp also ill got a few different lines of nutrients im not shure if this will make a difference and i have an oxygen meter. lets plut all these theory's into play im curious myself i got plants outside too.. also what kind of bubblers do you guys own?? ill try the micro pore bublblers for you guys and ill do the regular stone.. this wont happend for a week thats my next nutrient feeding but i will run the 2 days before sorry guys im committed this week at the doc's office..View attachment 3128129
Sounds cool Thump, think I am going to look into this micro pore bubbler you were speaking about, more bubbles,more oxygen,more buds! , Sounds good to me!

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