Donald Trump

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You are pointing out what you would like to believe. The truth is that both religions are made up stories and constructed to deceive their followers with fantastical myths.

Santa Clause is much better role model. He gives you things and you don't have to follow any pointless rituals nor admit that you at fault for something that you've done. He just loves you and gives you things.
If you cannot cite then do not even bother to write. Save your blanket statements for yourself, winter is upon us.
Because Islam and Christianity was being lumped together. If you didn't have your head shoved so far up your ass load of implications and over generalizations I wouldn't have to spell everything out for you.
They should be lumped together as dysfunctional philosophies parading as truth. They are filled with lies and threats with no connection to anything real.
They should be lumped together as dysfunctional philosophies parading as truth. They are filled with lies and threats with no connection to anything real.

One leader says murder is wrong, the other utilizes and authorizes it. You somehow claim both are the same.

What will you claim next, that ultraviolet and infrared are essentially the same because they reside within the same spectrum?

Fish and amphibians are the same because they both swim in water?

Please, do go on and enlighten us all with your immense base of knowledge...
One leader says murder is wrong, the other utilizes and authorizes it. You somehow claim both are the same.

What will you claim next, that ultraviolet and infrared are essentially the same because they reside within the same spectrum?

Fish and amphibians are the same because they both swim in water?

Please, do go on and enlighten us all with your immense base of knowledge...
upload_2015-12-12_22-4-12.pngKeep digging
One leader says murder is wrong, the other utilizes and authorizes it. You somehow claim both are the same.

What will you claim next, that ultraviolet and infrared are essentially the same because they reside within the same spectrum?

Fish and amphibians are the same because they both swim in water?

Please, do go on and enlighten us all with your immense base of knowledge...

You're an idiot.

Were saying that the comparison of literal text doesn't have anything to do with the reality that they are both violent. Both are a scapegoat for extremists to kill. Both have caused and continue to cause atrocities in their name...asked for or not (making your point moot).

You are hiding behind a semantic argument. No one is saying there aren't differences in the religions (mostly semantic). We are saying those differences (the one you keep dry humping specifically) have no bearing on the reality of the violence they both create.

Given that is the case, why are you still pushing the importance of Christ's non-violent intent vs Mohammad's request for it? Doesn't seem to have made a difference.

Stop applying your love of literal holy scripture interpretation to conversation. There are between them.
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>Can't prove him wrong.
>Break TOS and resort to name calling.

Still can't find a single verse spoken by Jesus commanding his followers to kill, can you?

So your evidence of superiority....
Is that I cant find a red herring despite it having no bearing on the point of the conversation?

Go back a few pages to where you started with a comparison between Mohammad and what people wrote to you, move past your original talking point and catch up. Then come back if you want to have a conversation. We've moved well past the words and started talking about their meanings and real world applications now. Join us!

Sorry about breaking your TOS .....all your bible talk made me horny. :hump:
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So your evidence of superiority....
Is that I cant find a red herring despite it having no bearing on the point of the conversation?

Your still an idiot.

There you go failing English again.

My point still stands: Islam and Christianity are not the same. Mohammad and Jesus Christ were polar opposites regarding murder and deception.
Your point is moot because it is based on your personal beliefs and not on facts. You continue to lose ground.
Obviously you don't know how citations work. Mohammad authorized an assassination and I quoted his words. My personal beliefs didn't even exist on this planet at the time of the ordered hit.

>hey, Mohammad. You want me to whack this guy?
>>I don't know...see what Kanti thinks.
>he hasn't been born yet.
>>Eh...go for it, but if anyone asks blame it on the Koran. As far as making it look like an accident goes: "leave it open for interpretation."
One leader says murder is wrong, the other utilizes and authorizes it. You somehow claim both are the same.

What will you claim next, that ultraviolet and infrared are essentially the same because they reside within the same spectrum?

Fish and amphibians are the same because they both swim in water?

Please, do go on and enlighten us all with your immense base of knowledge...

You don't know a thing about Christianity and it was evident from the first sentence. Christians worship God, Jesus was his prophet and son, but ultimate authority rests in God. The same God that is Yewah and Allah, that tells his followers that he'll scatter those who don't believe in Him. /discussion
The San Bernardino shooters were radicalized yet obtained visas. The media is stumped regarding what to do about it. They say Donald Trump is wrong, but you can hear the tremble in their voice as they begin to acknowledge that so far his plan is the best.

Stumping begins around 26 minutes or so.

Except one of them was born in the US. So please explain to me how he got a visa to enter the US?
You don't know a thing about Christianity and it was evident from the first sentence. Christians worship God, Jesus was his prophet and son, but ultimate authority rests in God. The same God that is Yewah and Allah, that tells his followers that he'll scatter those who don't believe in Him. /discussion


A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and his teachings.
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