Drooping leaves (heat related?)


I have three week old plants.
Have not fed nutes yet
Some are drooping, please do not say overwatering, i do lift the pot and stick my finger deep in soil, so when i water the soil is dry.
The day temp was 84-90 degrees, during the night 73-77.
I have a 400w hps agro max bulb two fans one is exhust at top, the other is blowing through the canopy.
I just raised the light to bring the temp down on top of the canopy it now 80-81 daytime, dont know night yet.
The bigger one i dont remember how old it is dropped a seed ouside and looky looky
So after all that any suggestions, please.



Active Member
You were right to lower the temp. That was a good start. You may also want to consider using an oscillating fan because I've noticed they really don't like having a fan directly on them. I use a fan blowing up from the bottom and I make sure that none of the plants in my garden are being overexposed to it.

Are the little ones clones of the "bigger one"? It may just be that plant's way of gathering light in your particular garden. I've seen all plants react to my garden in different ways than they would in others, whatever the reason.


Active Member
lower your temp to about 77F or 25 in celcius at top of what eve size pot you are growing your plants in when lights are on for vegging.. and when lights are off no lower than 59F or 15 in celsius at top of pot hight.. i know it seems cold but thats what i do and have never had any problems at all...also Twistedfunk is right, should use an oscillating fan.. they like to have air circulating now just blowing straight on them.. with an oscillation fan you have less chance of getting wind burn... but to answer your question yes it could have been heat related 84-90F is very very hot for an MJ plant.. try the temps i use.. seems to work amazing for me..if you want check out some of my threads tons of pics in every one



Active Member
definitely your temps were/are high, that can inhibit full growth/output potential. I think research shows high temps require additional CO2 input. I could be wrong.

What kind of soil is that? 3 weeks and no nutes? I've usually started giving them stuff by now. I only wait maybe 6- 8 days of just water & then start gradually introducing your nutrient lineup. I think they're hungry yo!!

#1 looks good by the way.

so all of those are 3 weeks since clone? you got?

also, in my opinion, 3 weeks of vegging is a decent amount of time to get some good growth, those look maybe even root bound. you should get them out of those party cups and at least into 1 gal pot or something equivalent, so the roots can stretch and grow. feed the soil/roots, not the buds.


I have an ocilating fan blowing through the canopy already.
I also have my temps down to 81 in the day, 69 at night.
My soil is earthworm castings, perlite, vermiculite 2:2:1. The castings are for the seedlings for nutes. ph is stable. cant afford to get anything reputable here where i live. It's working for me so far.

Transplanted a few last night, glad i did they were rootbound. Looked good too. Going to do rest today. Went to Lowes today and got too big of pots for the closet (12 in) I want to get at least a 8qt.Going to settle in with just water, then next watering will be 1/4 strength FF grow big and something else cant remember now.


Active Member
that temp should be fine... i personally like to keep mine betweek 25-27 celcius or 77 - 80 Fahrenheit for vegging.. but no higher then that when lights are on


Well-Known Member
get more air flow they are curling to conserve water, for whatever reason that strain doesnt like the heat your giving it. other than the curling they look great.. maybe the light is too close try raising it up 4 inches. if they start to stretch loweer it a bit.


I did raise the light thats how i got the heat down off the top of the canopy. They are not curling as bad today, Matter of fact they look real good today.
Pis to come later this evening.


Well-Known Member
Just have to dial it in and I think that will fix it. not sure how close you have it but a 400 should not be closer than 6 inches.


Active Member
The temps that people are citing are generally for Flowering purposes to prevent the plant from hermying during flowering. I have never seen a Vegging Marijuana plant suffer from heat stress unless it was burned from being too close too a light and your plants are not burnt that I can see from these pics. Equatorial mountainous regions (which many land race strains are derived from) get ridiculousy hot. Well over 100F and they grow fine. Last summer, my greenhouse was going well over 100F and my plants suffered 0 stress as long as they had water. Basicly, do your best to keep the temps down but in veg its really not as big of a deal as most would like to claim. In flower i'd aim to keep it between 75-80 with the lights on though. Remember, marijuana is genetically designed to withstand blistering hot summers.


I'm looking at buying LATER, much later when can afford. A air cooled hood, right now i have a HTG Supply Maxwing basic setup.
Anybody have any sugesstions without breaking the bank on a air hood 400w. Just for a closet grow.

When do i need to start flowering? They were germinated on the 5th, so that puts em at 3 weeks old now.
The big one i don't know exactly how old it is.


I will post pics tomorrow they look to have brown spots with yellow leaves, missing something i think.(maybe nute burn too).
I sprayed with epsom salt (generic for cal mag). I don't think ill do that again. Ph is fine. 6.4. temp is now great at 79.2, humidity is 45-55 when the lights are on.

When do i start flowering, they are three weeks old yesterday?
Anybody have suggestion for odor control?


Active Member
Mine did the opposite lol my temps are at 80 to 90 in day under my 400 and the leaves started to curl upward and in like a damn taco lol why no more epsom ? i used it on my lowryder 2 and sprayed at lights out and just left the fan on for a few hours after b4 turning it off they say the taco leaves is a cal mag thing too and it seemed to help alot what did it do to yours ?


Mine did the opposite lol my temps are at 80 to 90 in day under my 400 and the leaves started to curl upward and in like a damn taco lol why no more epsom ? i used it on my lowryder 2 and sprayed at lights out and just left the fan on for a few hours after b4 turning it off they say the taco leaves is a cal mag thing too and it seemed to help alot what did it do to yours ?[/QUOTE

It is curling at tips only with lower leaves yellowin slightly with brown spots