Dry or wet? Day Or Night? Indoor questions..


Active Member
Is it best to harvest indoor fruits @ night cycle or day cycle? why?

Is it best to harvest them with flushed wet or dry soils? obviously doesnt apply to hydro..


as far as harvest goes chop em early morning an hour or so before lights turn on, because when lights go on plants absorb sugars from the roots making your bud taste harsh.
flush the soil 2 weeks before harvest and don't water em for the last week let them dry out giving them water this close to harvest is pointless does not increase bud growth and just makes the drying process take longer.
hope that helps ya out!


Well-Known Member
Harvest them day or night, makes no difference. Try it, I have, and it was identical results, tastes, flavors, etc.....

The plants to me are easier to harvest during daylight hours. They are easier to manuver to manicure. When they first come on in the morning or in the middle of dark cycle they are more "wet" and "soft".

So for the sake of my fingers, and for no reason to change because of identical results, daylight for me. :)



Active Member
as far as harvest goes chop em early morning an hour or so before lights turn on, because when lights go on plants absorb sugars from the roots making your bud taste harsh.
flush the soil 2 weeks before harvest and don't water em for the last week let them dry out giving them water this close to harvest is pointless does not increase bud growth and just makes the drying process take longer.
hope that helps ya out!
No doubt, thats what I have read mostly (few journals, articles, 420mag, etc)... I just was primarily looking if someone had a "vs" situation and it looks like Kitty has :) def agree on the watering though, I usually water until the last 24-48 hrs then let them normally dry up for chop.

Harvest them day or night, makes no difference. Try it, I have, and it was identical results, tastes, flavors, etc.....

The plants to me are easier to harvest during daylight hours. They are easier to manuver to manicure. When they first come on in the morning or in the middle of dark cycle they are more "wet" and "soft".

So for the sake of my fingers, and for no reason to change because of identical results, daylight for me. :)

Interesting concept there with what ya say, glad I got you around! Figured around the same.. just thought it would be a longer dry/cure on the daylight harvested buds. I had just seen some instances where individuals stated its "crucial" or "paramount" to harvest 2~ hrs before lights.. IMO I never truely compared. Had both types of cures just never took the time to actually vary results so closely.... anyways bro yeah right on... as for the dros you obviously dont worry about the roots being wet or not ;) what about ripening times.. I know you dont have any soils but messed with any? or what? my first dro run seemed like I vegd/flowd/ripened at faster rates than my soils.... yet all in all there are other ups and downs I have had with both.