dwarf plants?????

Chelseys Man

Active Member
i was wondering how do you grow a dwarf plant? do you just start to flower it early and give it like 2 weeks of veg or how:weed:


Are you talking about auto-flowering seeds? They will flower no matter what the light cycle is, just give them a nice place to grow.

Chelseys Man

Active Member
no i just dont know really anything about them. people say that they will start 12/12 after 3 weeks of veg just to grow smaller plants. is that true? can i start to flower after 30 days just to have a 8in plant???


Oh, I thought you meant auto flower cause I have seen some auto seeds called dwarfs. I have heard you can grow any seed from 12/12 but I would say you should wait a few weeks like you said, unless your space is extremely limited.


These are 5 weeks from when the seeds were planted. They just started flowering 2 days ago. Super Lemon Haze on the left and Big Bud on the right.



And thanks! It's my first time so I was hoping I didn't start flowering too early, but I also don't really want them getting too tall so I think it was an ok time to start since they are going to keep growing for the next 2 months or so until they're done.

Chelseys Man

Active Member
dam thats alot of light. lol im a first time grower growing under cfls. that picture you had you said it is week 5 and you just started to flower it 2 days ago? so you only veged for 5 weeks?


Yeah I've heard you can start flowering right away if you really want but I assume that cuts down your yield a lot. I'm not much help since I've never grown before but from what I've read 4 week veg and 6 week veg are both pretty popular. And I think if you are starting with clones it takes about a week off. Don't quote me on that though :)

Chelseys Man

Active Member
yeah thats how i feel i wanna flower them but i dont want them to get too big so should i flower early? and i have a nother thread i would like you to take a look at... i guess just search chealseys man. i have one weird plant i would like you to take a look and and tell me what you think. there are pics of it. im kinda havin problems with it and tryin to decide if i should flower it. take a look!


Yeah it looks like it might be lack of light, unless its just weird genetics? I guess it doesn't hurt to flower it, but I really don't know much except I have done quite a lot of reading. Try posting again in the indoor forum, maybe someone there will know more.

Chelseys Man

Active Member
yeah i dunno why its under out door. when i did that i did not really know how to work this site so i just posted under that cuz that was the only why i could find out how to do that


Well-Known Member
i am talkin about muggg.if he has just 2 plants under 1000w hes gonna pay a lot for the weed is gonna harvest


I started 5 and only 4 made it, I only took pics of the 2 best ones. I still have a little bit of space left in the closet so I got a few lowryder seeds I just started so they might mature around the same time. And I don't know where you live but in Canada electricity usually isn't too expensive :D HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!


I just got my first electric bill since starting and its about $8 more than average :) I have started saving power in other ways though, I used to leave my 750w computer with 500w speakers on all the time but now I turn them off when I'm not using them that's gotta be worth something :D my bills used to be $50 or just over and this time was $58 woopee :D