easy yes or no



pretty simple..is this 3x3x6 going to benefit me better than my closet and will i need any special fans or can i just run it im getting it for $50 and im on a realll bad budget so help me out here


Well-Known Member
i'd of thought you would need some kind of ventalation.defo if your using hps even if you aint you will still need extraction and a passive intake and a dask top to move the air around the tent


Active Member
View attachment 2265341

pretty simple..is this 3x3x6 going to benefit me better than my closet and will i need any special fans or can i just run it im getting it for $50 and im on a realll bad budget so help me out here
If you can't afford a sintrifical fan.

The this is your best bet.


BUT for a few bucks more you can get this....



Well-Known Member
I run 250w in my 3x3x6, for exhaust I have a 200cfm attached directly to my top exhaust and my carbon filter hooked directly to that. It all just fits, my temps run up to 84 but generally stay at the 77-80 range. I have one small clip on fan that blows over the top at the light, also there's a small inline on my bottom vent blowing in when the light is on. I have an a/c in the room that keeps the ambient temp around 75. Hope this helps in anyway.


Well-Known Member
Tents have alot of hidden costs, such as ducting fans and venting issues, without proper venting and ducting the tent will do more harm then good, and cause major heat problems like building a giant hot box, green house of sorts.

If your on a budget, skip the tent and get a good hood and ballast and maybe a centrifugal fan...... look for used gear can save u $$$$ when trying to piece together your first season or two.


Well-Known Member
get the tent. it will be easier to manage venting issues that you may come across with a tent rather than a room such as a closet where such an undertaking would require cutting holes in doors, walls, or ceilings, etc. and to echo everyone else, yes, buy the best equipment you can possibly afford. you will not regret it. trust me, i've been there and made the mistake


Well-Known Member
Get the tent. Much easier to manage. I've done the grow box and trust me, tent is a billion times easier/less hassle. It doesn't matter what you're growing in. You're going to need some kind of ventilation, and smell removal.

Get the tent, find the cheapest inline fan possible(4" usually are 40 bucks or so) Duct fans are ok, but they lose cfm when you put it with a carbon filter. I would spend the extra 10-15 bucks and get the inline fan. Check my signature, I have the inline fan I use there. It works great and moves a ton of air.