Finally I soaked my 4 RP strawberry banana- 4 Elemental honey bananas,-3 Elemental fifth element,- 2 RP purple og#18,-1 Elemental gummy bears,-1 Elemental trueberry,-1 DNA fuego. 10/19
10/20 Paper towel method for 2 days- they are all showing tap-
My rapid rooters are gonna be here Monday! Awesome strains from attitude!
Gonna be coco/perlite- 1inch perlite at the bottom also and 1 inch on top- 70 % cocogro/30 % perlite in the middle. Pure blend pro expert schedule! 5 gallon root pouches with zho applied at transplant! After I get the LED hooked up!because I am gonna keep them under t5 until 3rd set. I have been dreaming of building this and finally got it! All the best goodies u can get. CO2 will be supplemented with 2 grow box each grow and bloom from I am only missing 6 inch intake booster fan and clearex. I could only afford 1 LED this time,so it will only be half of a growlab 5x10 used! Hand watered with saucers under! I don't know if its gonna be feed then water each day? That's what I m thinking !
3rd day I took sprouts out of paper towel and put them in rapid rooter tray and then 2-3 inches away from t5 s. out of 15 - 12 or so are gonna be goodn healthy. I will get a pic after they are put in there 6 inchers. I am going with 2 transplants! I am a firm believer that there is a fine line on root size pot size in coco! gotta have the pot dry quickly! And too big pot is what I believe causes damping and No dome because I think that leads to to much!!