enough light for 1 plant?

big poppa baby

Active Member
im trying to grow just one plant inside under cfls, is 1 48 wat (= to 120 wat) and 1 23 wat cfl enough light my box is 25x20 if not wat do you recomend me adding to the light only cfls and i have major heat issues so keep that in mind thanks:joint:


Well-Known Member
i think that would be enough to grow a small plant but when it gets big you might have to get a few more cfls and make sure they are the right colour 6500k(blue) for the seedling stage and 2700k(red) for flowering someone else should be able to help you a little more


Well-Known Member
the 1 48w should do the job fine on its own for a few weeks, keep it close. if youre gunna get more cfls then get more 48w or higher ones.
is the 48w you've got a 2700k or 6400k?

get a small fan going across the lights if theyre adding too much heat to the box.
do you have an exhaust fan in the box?