Enough Light?

I was wondering if a 2 foot 4 lamp T5 6400k (20,000 lumens) would be enough light to take 10 seedlings all the way through veg in 16oz party cups. They would all fit under the lamp easily. And would 16oz party cups be big enough for the plants to veg through or would the roots hit the bottom too early? I think everything will be fine this way but just wanna see what other ppl think.

John Jacob

Active Member
the light is fine for veg, if you want those girlies to explode I would only leave them in the cups for a couple of nodes to develope and then transplant to bigger.. the longer you wait the possibilty of running into root rot and eventually the roots stop growing and stunts the plants growth = less finish product


Active Member
use a six inch pot at least or 8 inch pot, you could cut it in half and it wouldn't be as tall. you could use the cups but the plants might grow a lot slower unless you are on top of the watering, but you would have a disappointing yield most likely.
how long do you veg?, you could grow up to a foot or 2 with that light and use LST for a better yield but then would want to veg for a month or more. even then they would take up all the canopy space and might not all fit.
after a few weeks take the best ones and give them bigger pots and treat them best
Yeah that makes sense. Are you saying I should transplant into bigger pots after the first couple of nodes and put them back under the same light? If so i'll just start them off in cups a little bit big bigger so I only have to transplant once into 4 or 5 gall or w/e I want.
use a six inch pot at least or 8 inch pot, you could cut it in half and it wouldn't be as tall. you could use the cups but the plants might grow a lot slower unless you are on top of the watering, but you would have a disappointing yield most likely.
how long do you veg?, you could grow up to a foot or 2 with that light and use LST for a better yield but then would want to veg for a month or more. even then they would take up all the canopy space and might not all fit.
after a few weeks take the best ones and give them bigger pots and treat them best
Not sure how long i'll veg for. Space won't be a problem. Maybe 2 months maybe more.