enough lighting?


Well-Known Member
so i got a 150w hps and 1 26watt 6500k bulb in my small grow area, basically 18,000 lumens or so, im vegging 1 plant right now as a testing plant and it just sprouted, i have the cfl about 5 inches away from the plant and the hps is hung on my closet pole hanger about 18 inches away for now. im going to add another 26 watter 6500k in there as well wen i find another one in a store cuz theyre hard to find around here for some reason or they always tend to sell out quick. also i have a 5500k 23w cfl too im going to be adding in there as well wen i get 2 more light fixtures, would this be good to veg 2-3 plants? 3 might be pushing it though i know. Or is it better to not have the hps and just go out and get lots of 6500k bulbs and fixtures and veg with that instead?

anyone know how much yield i can get estimated on what i have when i go to flower? im gunna veg for 3-4 weeks then switch to 12/12 and replace all the 6500k with 2700k +plus the 150w hps, im thinking of having it mixed 6500k+2700k along with hps as well... any ideas?



New Member
You want about 50 watts per square feet to flower. Most beginners get somewhere between .25 and .40 grams per watt of light used. You should get about 2 oz.


Well-Known Member
techincally its my 2nd grow, but this is more considered my first actual good grow. first grow i got 9 grams dried using cfls it was ok not the best tho far from it lol, thanks for the replies, but is it better to have it mixed spectrum or switch to all 2700k during flowering? ive heard yes and no


New Member
I bet he gets closer to 2 oz. But hey should get and will get are different. Black and Pink are different too. Fuzzy and hard are different as well.


Well-Known Member
i started out like that to,but if you can get one spend the money on a 600 watt hps with a hood. i didnt have anyone to tell me different maybe thats why i'm sitting on two 4foot t5's and a 600 watt hood. at this time i'm in a 4x4 grow tent block buster hood over a ebb&flow system. Boss if ypur going to spend dthe money do i wright the first time!


Well-Known Member
i started out like that to,but if you can get one spend the money on a 600 watt hps with a hood. i didnt have anyone to tell me different maybe thats why i'm sitting on two 4foot t5's and a 600 watt hood. at this time i'm in a 4x4 grow tent block buster hood over a ebb&flow system. Boss if ypur going to spend dthe money do i wright the first time!
600w hps would get to hot for my closet thats why i have to stick with something small like this lol, thanks for ur input tho. i dont wanna grow big time stuff, just small time, 2oz is plenty for a harvest for me, im not goin for qp's or pounds or watever :p